Sbt Docker Compose Versions Save

Integrates Docker Compose functionality into sbt (archived as unmaintained)


6 years ago

A new configuration setting was added to allow for a specified delay prior to text execution:

composeContainerPauseBeforeTestSeconds := //Delay between containers start and test execution, seconds. Default is 0 seconds - no delay

Thanks @paul-lysak for adding this new configuration option!


6 years ago

Added support for providing a '-o' argument with configuration parameters to the 'testExecutionArgs' plugin setting.

Ensure that the started Docker instance is cleaned up when the 'dockerComposeTest' test code compilation process fails.


6 years ago

Updating release to v1.0.32 with support for Docker for Mac v17.12.0 detection


6 years ago

This release fixes an issue where the '-debug:' option of 'dockerComposeTest' was not working properly.


6 years ago

Fixed an issue that was preventing the plugin from work with SBT 1.1.0-M1.


6 years ago

Thanks to @aaronp there is now support for running Cucumber based tests!

Check out the new "testPassUseCucumber" setting along with the basic-with-tests-cucumber example for more details.


6 years ago

You can now define domposeServiceVersionTask in your build.sbt file to override the default behavior of using the version SettingKey:

composeServiceVersionTask := "1.2.3"


6 years ago

This is the first version of the plug-in that also has support for sbt 1.0.0


6 years ago

Use the following build.sbt setting to execute test cases using Specs2 instead of the default ScalaTest: testPassUseSpecs2 := true


6 years ago