Sanjayheaven Typescript Project Template Save Abandoned

A repo to provide a template about TypeScript lint & format.

Project README


A repo to provide a template about TypeScript lint & format.


  • Provide code format using prettier
  • Provide code lint using ESlint
  • Provide pre-commit code lint-check & auto-format using pretty-quick & husky
  • Provide commit message lint using commitlint
  • Provide release version and auto-generated CHANGELOG using standard-version


npm i

If you just clone this repo, note that it is important to prepare husky

npm run prepare

Make sure the file commit-msg and pre-commit are executable. if Not, then run the following commands.

chmod a+x .husky/commit-msg
chmod a+x .husky/pre-commit


Name Desc Config Ignore Config
npm run prepare prepare husky - -
npm run lint code lint .eslintrc.json .eslintignore
npm run lint:fix code lint fix - -
npm run prettier check files whether have code style issues .prettierc.json .prettierignore
npm run prettier:fix re-write the code using prettier format config - -
npm run pretty format the staged files - -
npm run release release new version

Note: more
commmand: npm run release will update version in package.json/package-lock.json
and will commit it to git. such as 37364c

Commit lint

Commit message should follow the pattern like this

type(scope?): subject
#scope is optional; multiple scopes are supported (current delimiter options: "/", "\" and ",")

Type Enum

Type Desc
build changes to the build process or related tools
chore other modify
ci git CI/CD files modified
docs documentation, like docs,,
feat new feature
fix bug fix
perf code performance
refactor code refactor
revert git revert
style code lint or format
test new test

Command Release

How It Works

Follow the Conventional Commits Specification in your repository.
When you're ready to release, run standard-version.

standard-version will then do the following:

  • Retrieve the current version of your repository by looking at package Files, falling back to the last git tag.
  • Bump the version based on commits.
  • Generates a changelog based on commits
  • Creates a new commit including bump Files and updated CHANGELOG.
  • Creates a new tag with the new version number.

fix: which represents bug fixes, and correlates to patch version.
feat: which represents a new feature, and correlates to a minor version.
feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., which represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a major version.


There will be different configurations according to different projects.
After initializing the project, please select the configuration you need according to the project.

Now, in the examples directory, there are the following configurations for reference.
You can directly copy the configuration in the example to the project.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Sanjayheaven Typescript Project Template" Project. README Source: sanjayheaven/typescript-project-template

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