Sandi Ui Versions Save

Based on three vue3 component library with event system, build your interactive 3D world with components


2 years ago
  • Fixed SDOrbitControls failure when css2d is enabled

  • Fixed GLTF material issues

  • 修正开启 css2d 造成 SDOrbitControls 失效

  • 修正GLTF 加载材质的的问题


2 years ago

新增 CSS2D 支持,你可以使用SDCSS2DObject制作信息点展示等功能,此功能必须手动开启 SDWebglRenderer的css2D为true. New CSS2D support. You can use SDCSS2DObject to make a point display, etc. This must be manually enabled with the SDWebglRenderer cSS2D set to true

                <SDMesh name="left" :rotation="[0, y1, 0]" :position="[-2, 0, 0]" :scaleXYZ="1">
                    <SDCSS2DObject :style="{background:'gray'}" :position="[0, 1, 0]" >
                        <div class="label">
                            {{ text }} 
                        <!-- any vue components -->
                    <SDBoxGeometry :width="1" />
                        <SDTextureLoader url="/sandi-ui/img/crate.gif" type="map" />
