Rulette Versions Save

A pragmatic business rule management system


4 years ago


4 years ago


  • Upgraded to version 8.0.14 of mysql-connector

Bug Fixes

  • Queries for delete and add rule fixed to handle range inputs
  • Raw value of null range inputs is returned as "" and not "-"


4 years ago
  • Ability to instantiate data sources using java.util.pRoperties instead of always having to pass in a file
  • Accessor for rule system meta data


6 years ago
  • Moved from c3p0 to Hikari CP for connection pooling in the default MySQL provider


6 years ago

##Bug Fixes

  1. Release DB connection after we are done using them
  2. Use timestamp only till milliseconds


7 years ago


  1. Upper and lower bounds of range inputs are not stored in separate columns (Issue#8).
  2. Support for unbounded range in range inputs (Issue#26).

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed incorrect handling in determination of best fitting rule for range inputs (Issue#25)
  2. null sent for evaluation to a range input throws NPE (Issue#27)


7 years ago


  1. Ability to wire in multiple data source via the IDataProvoder interface.
  2. Default implementation for MySql has been added as a new component.

Bug fixes

  1. Rule input id should be a String.
  2. Rule output id should be String.