Ruby Cff Versions Save

A Ruby library for manipulating CITATION.cff files.


1 year ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines and The Ruby Citation File Format Developers

A Ruby library for creating, editing, validating and converting CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Tests Linter Ruby Style Guide Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to create and edit Citation File Format (CFF) files. The resulting files can be validated against a formal schema to ensure correctness and can be output in a number of different citation-friendly formats.

The primary API entry points are the Index and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details about the Citation File Format.

See the full API documentation for more details about Ruby CFF.


1 year ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines and The Ruby Citation File Format Developers

A Ruby library for creating, editing, validating and converting CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Tests Linter Ruby Style Guide Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to create and edit Citation File Format (CFF) files. The resulting files can be validated against a formal schema to ensure correctness and can be output in a number of different citation-friendly formats.

The primary API entry points are the Index and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details about the Citation File Format.

See the full API documentation for more details about Ruby CFF.


2 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines and The Ruby Citation File Format Developers

A Ruby library for creating, editing, validating and converting CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Tests Linter Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to create and edit Citation File Format (CFF) files. The resulting files can be validated against a formal schema to ensure correctness and can be output in a number of different citation-friendly formats.

The primary API entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details about the Citation File Format.

See the full API documentation for more details about Ruby CFF.


2 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines and The Ruby Citation File Format Developers

A Ruby library for creating, editing, validating and converting CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Tests Linter Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to create and edit Citation File Format (CFF) files. The resulting files can be validated against a formal schema to ensure correctness and can be output in a number of different citation-friendly formats.

The primary API entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details about the Citation File Format.

See the full API documentation for more details about Ruby CFF.


5 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines

A Ruby library for manipulating CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to manipulate CITATION.cff files. The primary entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details.

Quick start

cff ="Ruby CFF Library")
cff.version = CFF::VERSION
cff.date_released =
cff.authors <<"Robert", "Haines")
cff.license = "Apache-2.0"
cff.keywords << "ruby" << "credit" << "citation"
cff.repository_artifact = ""

CFF::File.write("CITATION.cff", cff)

Will produce a file that looks something like this:

cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata
title: Ruby CFF Library
version: 0.3.0
date-released: 2018-03-04
license: Apache-2.0
- family-names: Haines
  given-names: Robert
- ruby
- credit
- citation

Library versions

Until this library reaches version 1.0.0 the API may be subject to breaking changes. When version 1.0.0 is released, then the principles of semantic versioning will be applied.


Apache 2.0. See LICENCE for details.


6 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines

A Ruby library for manipulating CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to manipulate CITATION.cff files. The primary entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details.

Quick start

cff ="Ruby CFF Library")
cff.version = CFF::VERSION
cff.date_released =
cff.authors <<"Robert", "Haines")
cff.license = "Apache-2.0"
cff.keywords << "ruby" << "credit" << "citation"
cff.repository_artifact = ""

CFF::File.write("CITATION.cff", cff)

Will produce a file that looks something like this:

cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata
title: Ruby CFF Library
version: 0.3.0
date-released: 2018-03-04
license: Apache-2.0
- family-names: Haines
  given-names: Robert
- ruby
- credit
- citation

Library versions

Until this library reaches version 1.0.0 the API may be subject to breaking changes. When version 1.0.0 is released, then the principles of semantic versioning will be applied.


Apache 2.0. See LICENCE for details.


6 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines

A Ruby library for manipulating CITATION.cff files.

DOI Gem Version Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to manipulate CITATION.cff files. The primary entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details.

Quick start

cff ="Ruby CFF Library")
cff.version = "0.1.0"
cff.date_released =
cff.authors <<"Robert", "Haines")
cff.license = "Apache-2.0"
cff.keywords << "ruby" << "credit" << "citation"
cff.repository_artifact = ""

CFF::File.write("CITATION.cff", cff)

Will produce a file that looks something like this:

cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata
title: Ruby CFF Library
version: 0.1.0
date-released: 2018-02-24
license: Apache-2.0
- family-names: Haines
  given-names: Robert
- ruby
- credit
- citation


Apache 2.0. See LICENCE for details.


6 years ago

Ruby CFF

Robert Haines

A Ruby library for manipulating CITATION.cff files.

Gem Version Build Status Maintainability Coverage Status


This library provides a Ruby interface to manipulate CITATION.cff files. The primary entry points are the Model and File classes.

See the CITATION.cff documentation for more details.

Quick start

cff ="Ruby CFF Library")
cff.version = "0.1.0"
cff.date_released =
cff.authors <<"Robert", "Haines")
cff.license = "Apache-2.0"
cff.keywords << "ruby" << "credit" << "citation"
cff.repository_artifact = ""

CFF::File.write("CITATION.cff", cff)

Will produce a file that looks something like this:

cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this software in your work, please cite it using the following metadata
title: Ruby CFF Library
version: 0.1.0
date-released: 2018-02-24
license: Apache-2.0
- family-names: Haines
  given-names: Robert
- ruby
- credit
- citation


Apache 2.0. See LICENCE for details.