Rtss Save

Relative TimeStamps for Stuff

Project README

rtss — Relative TimeStamps for Stuff

rtss annotates its output with relative durations between consecutive lines and since program start.

It can be used as a filter in a pipeline:

-% cargo build --release 2>&1 | rtss
 274.1ms  274.1ms |    Compiling libc v0.2.40
   1.50s    1.22s |    Compiling memchr v2.0.1
   2.28s  780.8ms |    Compiling rtss v0.5.0 (file:///home/freaky/code/rtss)
   5.18s    2.90s |     Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 5.17 secs
   5.18s    exit code: 0

It can also directly run commands, annotating both stdout and stderr with durations. stdin is passed through to the child process, and its exit code will become rtss' own exit code:

-% rtss sh -c "echo foo; echo bar; sleep 1; echo moo >&2; sleep 1; echo baz; exit 64"
   1.7ms    1.7ms | foo
   1.7ms          | bar
   1.00s    1.00s # moo
   2.03s    2.03s | baz
   2.03s    exit code: 64
zsh: exit 64    rtss sh -c

-% rtss sh -c "echo foo; echo bar; sleep 1; echo moo >&2; sleep 1; echo baz; exit 64" 2>/dev/null
   1.9ms    1.9ms | foo
   1.9ms          | bar
   2.05s    2.04s | baz
   2.05s    exit code: 64
zsh: exit 64    rtss sh -c  2> /dev/null

Blank durations indicate lines were read in a single read(). Line durations are per-descriptor, so stderr and stdout have their own distinct durations.

Output suitable for piping to sort -k2 can be requested with -s / --sortable:

-% rtss --sortable sh -c "echo foo; echo bar; sleep 1; echo moo >&2; sleep 1; echo baz; exit 64"
00:00:00.001652 00:00:00.001652 | foo
00:00:00.001652 00:00:00.000000 | bar
00:00:01.007287 00:00:01.007287 # moo
00:00:02.071962 00:00:02.070309 | baz
00:00:02.072185    exit code: 64

PTY mode

For programs that buffer their output or otherwise alter their behaviour when connected to pipes, the --pty (aka --tty) option will, on supported platforms, run the command under a pseudo-terminal.

-% rtss zpool status 5
  10.01s   10.01s |   pool: rpool
  10.01s          |  state: ONLINE
  10.01s          |   scan: scrub repaired 0 in 1h7m with 0 errors on Wed May  2 04:00:38 2018

-% rtss --pty zpool status 5
   4.2ms    4.2ms |   pool: rpool
   4.2ms          |  state: ONLINE
   4.5ms    0.3ms |   scan: scrub repaired 0 in 1h7m with 0 errors on Wed May  2 04:00:38 2018


The backend of rtss is provided as a library for use in other programs. This includes:

  • RtssWriter — an io::Write wrapper and implementation, forwarding write() calls and annotating newlines.
  • DurationExt — extends Duration with write_human(), write_sortable(), human_string() and sortable_string() methods.
  • line_timing_copy() — wraps an io::Write in RtssWriter<BufWriter<W>> and calls io::copy() on it and the provided io::Read.
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

extern crate rtss;
use rtss::{RtssWriter, DurationExt};

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut writer = RtssWriter::new(io::stdout(), Duration::human_string, '|', Instant::now());


   0.2μs    0.2μs | Hello!
  84.7μs   84.6μs | World!


If you have Cargo installed you can install the latest release with:

cargo install rtss

You can also install the latest bleeding-edge version using:

cargo install --git https://github.com/Freaky/rtss.git

Alternatively you can clone and build manually without installing:

git clone https://github.com/Freaky/rtss.git &&
cd rtss &&
cargo build --release &&
target/release/rtss echo It works


rtss was inspired by Kevin Burke's tss.

Both are basically trendier versions of ts from moreutils.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Rtss" Project. README Source: Freaky/rtss
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2 years ago

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