RTIInternational SMART Versions Save

Smarter Manual Annotation for Resource-constrained collection of Training data


1 year ago

This is a large update with many new features and changes. For the full list please see https://smart-app.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-changelog.html


2 years ago

This version has no changes from the initial functionality of SMART, but makes the following maintenance updates:

  • Upgrades frontend and backend packages to maintain usability and patch potential security issues found in older package versions. NOTE: several packages had not been maintained, and so had to be removed. The most notable is the package responsible for the loading bar which appears when the user is loading large data files into the software.
  • Adds in pre-commit hooks and automated formatting options to make the code cleaner and more readable
  • Replaces the default data from sentiment data challenge with new cleaner dataset
  • Bug fix: deck of cards for labeling will not duplicate itself if someone flips through tabs during annotation
  • Bug fix: admin charts now automatically resize to fit window when tab changes (this initially was true and then later broke)
  • Bug fix: IRR admin table search bar now functions for filtering the first coder field


5 years ago

Initial public release