Rpi Vk Driver Versions Save

VK driver for the Raspberry Pi (Broadcom Videocore IV)


3 years ago

Initial release of the new low level driver for the Raspberry Pi.

To install:

  1. run install.sh in the rpi-vk-driver folder
  2. run install.sh (as root) in the Vulkan-Loader folder
  3. run raspi-config (as root) 3a) set GL driver to Full KMS 3b) set memory split to 128 (optional) 3c) set boot mode to console (optional, but preferred)

Note: if boot mode is set to Desktop, you'll need to switch tty console (eg. ctrl+alt+f1) for modesetting to work. Otherwise X won't let you do display modesetting. You can return to your desktop using ctrl+alt+f7.

To run vkQuake3 for the Raspberry Pi please follow the instructions here: https://github.com/Yours3lf/vkQuake3/releases/tag/v1.0