Routex.js Save

:arrow_up_small: Alternative library to manage dynamic routes in Next.js

Project README


Yes, another library to handle dynamic routes in Next.js


  • :milky_way: Universal
  • :leaves: Tree shakeable
  • :ant: Not tiny, but pretty small
  • :link: Build your custom <Link /> on top of it
  • :tada: Same routes contract as next-routes name, pattern, page
  • :rocket: Up to date path-to-regexp dependency
  • :earth_africa: Compatible with multi-domain routing (a.k.a routes localization)
  • :sunglasses: Cool name!

Inspired by next-routes and next-minimal-routes.


Install routex in your Next.js project:

npm i routex.js

Using yarn:

yarn add routex.js


Route definitions

Okay, so now we have installed routex. First of all we'll need to declare our application routes. So let's create a routes.js file:

module.exports = [
    name: 'index',
    pattern: '/',
    name: 'post',
    pattern: '/post/:slug',
    page: 'post',
    name: 'tags',
    pattern: '/tags{-:id}?', // optional id param
    page: 'tags',

If you need more info on how to create the route patterns check the path-to-regexp documentation: pillarjs/path-to-regexp.

Server getRequestHandler()

Once routes are declared, we want to handle it whenever a user loads any existing url in our application. So here we need to create our routex requestHandlerMiddleware in our server.js file, passing the next.js instance (nextApp) and our route definitions (routes) like this:

const express = require('express');
const next = require('next');
const nextApp = next({ dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' });
const routes = require('./routes');
const { getRequestHandler } = require('routex.js');

const routexHandlerMiddleware = getRequestHandler(nextApp, routes);

nextApp.prepare().then(() => {

Client link()

Hooray! our server now handles dynamic routes. But now we need a way to create link components to point to that dynamic routes. So let's create a file CustomLink.js to use in our components.

import NextLink from 'next/link';
import { createRouteLinks } from 'routex.js';
import routes from './routes';

const { link } = createRouteLinks(routes);

export default function CustomLink({ children, route, params }) {
  return (
    <NextLink {{ route, params: { ...params } })}>

The createRouteLinks function transforms and closures all your routes and returns a new link function. This link is the one that will provide to the <NextLink /> component the as and href props. And it needs this two parameters:

  • route: a route name, the one that you have in the route definiton.
  • params: all dynamic params

And this is how you'll use your <CustomLink /> component:

import CustomLink from './CustomLink';

export default () => (
    This is an example page component:
        slug: 'next-js-post',
      Next.js post link

The output that will return your <CustomLink /> will be exactly the same that if you create a link using the current Next.js Link, like I'll show you in this example:

import NextLink from 'next/link';

export default () => (
  <NextLink as="/post/next-js-post" href="/post?slug=next-js-post">
    <a>Next.js post link</a>

Currently, there is no imperative way to change your app route using routex.js, like the next-routes' Router.pushRoute(route, params, options), because I didn't need it at all in my current applications. But I'm open to add it if someone finds it interesting. Since then, I'll try to keep this library as simple as possible.

For more information have a look into the example app directory.


Basic dynamic routing

Multi-domain routing (a.k.a localized routing)

Check this code example here: examples/with-route-localization


Check out this blog post to know some of the reasons why I've decided to create another routing library:

Things to do

  • Add an example with multi-domain application
  • Since routex.js doesn't need React at all, add an example with other Next.js integrations, like Preact, inferno, etc.
  • Avoid loading all route definitions in client side, only the ones we use per page


If you want to suggest a change, feature or any question, feel free to open an issue or a pull request. But check the contributing file before you go.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Routex.js" Project. README Source: alexhoma/routex.js

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