Rishabh672003 Neovim Save

My Personalized Development Environment (PDE) with Neovim

Project README


This repo contains all my neovim configs files, which I use. Now made with lazy.nvim Now this doesn't uses Mason, so you would have to install all of the lsp yourself.

🛠️ If you also want to use it

Supported Neovim versions: Nightly and Latest Stable

You can see the installation instruction for both here - Neovim

Make a backup of your current nvim folder

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.backup

Clone the repository and open nvim

For main branch

git clone https://github.com/Rishabh672003/Neovim ~/.config/nvim && nvim

Note: Installation of the LSP servers need the Optional dependencies, Install them before cloning the config

If LSP servers aren't getting installed by default install them using :MasonToolsInstall

Optional dependencies

These are all the optional dependencies if you don't want anything just remove them neovim should work fine either way

sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm yarn git curl unzip tar gzip luarocks npm python-pip go

For Rust support install rust-analyzer yourself.

Automating the whole process of installing neovim, also its dependencies and then applying the config

Note: this will install a lot of dependencies so use it only after reading the script and if you know what you are doing, I will not be responsible if you break anything on your system

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rishabh672003/Neovim/main/install.sh)


image image image image

Uninstallation and Cleanup

rm -rf $HOME/.config/nvim $HOME/.local/share/nvim $HOME/.cache/nvim


The credit goes to Neovim-from-scratch and its author Christian who made this awesome repo and video playlist, this is from where I learned how to make and structure the configs and actually made it work, I used his configs as a base for most of the plugins and modified them for my needs. also I took configs and ideas from Lunarvim, Astronvim, LazyVim and nvim-basic-ide

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Rishabh672003 Neovim" Project. README Source: Rishabh672003/Neovim
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