RiRi Save

An optical character recognition mobile application built using Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile and Azure Cognitive Services

Project README

Made in Nigeria


"RiRi" means "to see" in the Nigerian Yoruba language. It is a cross-platform optical character recognition mobile application. It aims to make information more accessible to people with visual impairments and transcribes image text to audio.

RiRi Logo

Android - Download the app on playstore

Android app preview - Screen recording

iOS - Pending release

App Interface - Onboarding screen


Tools/Resources used

Project Setup


  • Create a new project on Azure Portal
  • Get your api-key, content-type and image endpoint and place them in local.properties as API_KEY, CONTENT_TYPE and IMAGE_ENDPOINT respectively.
  • Create a firebase project and generate a google-services.json file
  • Place your google-services.json file in the android app root folder
  • Build and run the app


First off, thank you for considering contributing to the RiRi App. You are a hero! It's people like you that would make information more accesible.

  • Fork the project & clone locally.
  • Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy before you branch.
  • Branch for each separate piece of work.
  • Do the work and write good commit messages.
  • Push to your origin repository.
  • Create a new PR (Pull Request) in GitHub.

Code of Conduct

This project and the corresponding community are governed by our Code of Conduct. Please make sure you read it.


RiRi is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "RiRi" Project. README Source: Rita-Okonkwo/RiRi

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