Riposte Versions Save

Python package for wrapping applications inside a tailored interactive shell


2 months ago

What's Changed

  • Support newer python versions
  • Drop support for archaic python versions
  • Update project packaging to modern standards
  • Add a space automatically on auto-complete if only one option by @ach5948 in

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


3 years ago

Explicitly state support for Python 3.8


4 years ago

New features

  • Support for adding custom CLI arguments
  • Input streams
    • Feeding Riposte with a file containing commands
    • Support adding custom input streams

Input streams

The input stream is an abstraction telling how you feed Riposte with commands.


From now on you can also pass text file containing commands as an argument to your application:


from riposte import Riposte

repl = Riposte()

def hello():
    repl.print("Hello World!")

commands.rpst text file containing commands to be executed:

$ python commands.rpst
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?

Adding custom input stream

If for some reason you need a custom way of feeding Riposte with commands you can always add your custom input stream. The input stream is a generator that yields function which after calling it returns a string (the command) Generator[Callable[[], str], None, None]. Let's say you are an evil genius and want to make your interactive shell application less interactive by feeding it with some kind of messaging system.

import itertools
from typing import Callable, Generator

from riposte import Riposte
from some.messaging.system import Subscriber

def some_messaging_system_input_stream(
    subscriber: Subscriber  # you can parametrize your input streams
) -> Generator[Callable, None, None]:
    # itertools.repeat() make sure that your input stream runs forever
    yield from itertools.repeat(subscriber.poll)  # calling poll() will return command

class CustomInputStreamRiposte(Riposte):
    def setup_cli(self):
        super().setup_cli()  # preserve default Riposte CLI

            "-h", "--host", help="Some messaging system address"

    def parse_cli_arguments(self) -> None:
        super().parse_cli_arguments()  # preserve default Riposte CLI

            subscriber = Subscriber(
            self.input_stream = some_messaging_system_input_stream(subscriber)
            self.print_banner = False  # I guess you don't want to print banner 

Support for custom CLI arguments

If your application needs custom CLI arguments Riposte gives you a way to implement it by overwriting Riposte.setup_cli() method. Let's say you want to introduce --verbose flag into your application:


from riposte import Riposte

class CustomArgsRiposte(Riposte):
    def setup_cli(self):
        super().setup_cli()  # preserve default Riposte CLI

            "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose mode"

repl = CustomArgsRiposte()

def foo(bar: str):
    repl.success("Foobar executed.")

    if repl.arguments.verbose:
        repl.success("Argument passed as bar: ", bar)

$ python -v
riposte:~ $ foo 123
[+] Foobar executed.
[+] Argument passed as bar:  123
riposte:~ $ 

Riposte.parser is an instance of Python's builtin argparse.ArgumentParser so for all further instructions regarding adding CLI arguments please follow argparse documentation.

Passed arguments are being parsed in and stored in Riposte.arguments so you can access it within your application. If you need to access them before entering the main evaluation loop you can overwrite Riposte.parse_cli_arguments()

from riposte import Riposte

class CustomArgsRiposte(Riposte):
    def setup_cli(self):
        super().setup_cli()  # preserve default Riposte CLI

            "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose mode"

    def parse_cli_arguments(self):
        super().parse_cli_arguments()  # preserve default Riposte CLI

        if self.arguments.verbose:


4 years ago

New features

CLI and inline command execution

Similarly to the bash if you delimit commands with semicolon you can trigger execution of multiple commands in one line.

riposte:~ $ hello; hello; hello
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?

Riposte also exposes CLI for your applications which gives you the ability to pass commands using -c switch:

$ python -c "hello; hello; hello;"
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?
[+] Is it me you looking for?

Given all of this, you can also start to treat your application as something that could be turned into automated scripts.


from riposte import Riposte

BANNER = """ _   _      _ _         _    _            _     _ _ 
| | | |    | | |       | |  | |          | |   | | |
| |_| | ___| | | ___   | |  | | ___  _ __| | __| | |
|  _  |/ _ \ | |/ _ \  | |/\| |/ _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
| | | |  __/ | | (_) | \  /\  / (_) | |  | | (_| |_|
\_| |_/\___|_|_|\___/   \/  \/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_(_)
Welcome User Hello World v1.2.3

repl = Riposte(banner=BANNER)

def hello():
    repl.print("Hello World!")
$ python
 _   _      _ _         _    _            _     _ _ 
| | | |    | | |       | |  | |          | |   | | |
| |_| | ___| | | ___   | |  | | ___  _ __| | __| | |
|  _  |/ _ \ | |/ _ \  | |/\| |/ _ \| '__| |/ _` | |
| | | |  __/ | | (_) | \  /\  / (_) | |  | | (_| |_|
\_| |_/\___|_|_|\___/   \/  \/ \___/|_|  |_|\__,_(_)
Welcome User Hello World v1.2.3

riposte:~ $


4 years ago


5 years ago

Check whether arguments provided by user via input() match _func signature.

Feeding already validated arguments list to _apply_guides allow to simplify its code.


5 years ago

Extract guides out of type-hints.

  • Rename validators to guides
  • Extract guides out of type-hints.
  • If for given command no guides was explicitly defined, arguments passed to handling function will be str
  • guides.literal is default guide for any type-hint except for str

Rename Hue to Palette

  • Rename Hue to Palette
  • Add BOLD formatting option


5 years ago

Initial release