Revolut Api Save Abandoned

Ruby API client for interacting with Revolut's consumer/iOS/Android API

Project README


Revolut::Api is a Ruby gem to interact with Revolut's internal consumer API.

This is the actual API used by the iOS/Android apps and this is not the business API.

I've reverse engineered the API by checking what endpoints are invoked using Charles Proxy.

This API is subject to change at any time and you should obviously take care using this client since it could result in loss of funds in your Revolut account.

Hopefully Revolut will release an official API for the personal/consumer app and not just for Revolut Business.

NOTE: I do not take any responsibility of loss of funds or similar issues due to using this client!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'revolut-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install revolut-api


Public client

If you just want to use the public client to check exchange rates/quotes:

public_client =
public_client.quotes(from: "EUR,USD", to: "SEK")

You can also check quotes for cryptocurrencies:

public_client =
public_client.quotes(from: "BTC,ETH,LTC,XRP", to: "USD")

Private/authenticated client


In order to use the private/authenticated endpoints of Revolut's API you need to sign in first using your phone number and your PIN/password:

client =
client.signin(phone: "+1555555555", password: "1337")

After invoking this method Revolut will send you a text message with a code to confirm your sign in attempt. When you've received this code (which is valid for 10 minutes), do the following:

client.confirm_signin(phone: "+1555555555", code: "CODE_RECEIVED_FROM_REVOLUT")
=> {:id=>"YOUR-USER-ID", :access_token=>"YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"}

If the call is successful you should receive a hash containing your user id and your access token.

If you haven't configured the device id the library will automatically generate one using SecureRandom.uuid. I'd also suggest saving this id and use it for configuring subsequent API calls using the client:


Update your configuration file (e.g. an initializer if you're using Rails) for setting up Revolut::API:

Revolut::Api.configure do |config|
  config.user_id          =   "YOUR-USER-ID"
  config.access_token     =   "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"
  config.device_id        =   "SOME-RANDOM-DEVICE-GUID"

This way you don't have to sign in / confirm your sign in next time you want to interact with the API.

Verify that you can call endpoints that require correct authorization:

=> #<Revolut::Api::Response::User:0x00007ff27615eee0
 @address=#<Revolut::Api::Response::Address:0x00007ff27615ed00 @city="Random Town", @country="US", @postcode="111111", @region="REGION", @street_line_one="Epic Street", @street_line_two=nil>,
 @birth_date=[1999, 12, 31],

Revolut::Api::AuthorizationError is raised if there are any issues with authorization.

User data

User details

To get your current Revolut user details:

Wallet & pockets
Update address
client.update_address(city: "New City")


Fetch and memoize all transactions executed the current year:

client.transactions(fetch_all: true, memoize: true)

Fetch and memoize all completed transfer transactions executed the current year:

client.transactions(type: :transfer, completed: true, fetch_all: true, memoize: true)

Fetch and memoize all completed card payment transactions executed the current year:

client.transactions(type: :card_payment, completed: true, fetch_all: true, memoize: true)

Fetch and memoize all pending card payment transactions executed the current year:

client.transactions(type: :card_payment, pending: true, fetch_all: true, memoize: true)

Fetch a specific transaction by its transaction id:




Exchange 0.1 EUR to USD: "EUR", to: "USD", amount: 0.1, side: :sell)

Exchange all available USD to EUR: "USD", to: "EUR", amount: :all, side: :sell)

Buy/exchange 10 EUR worth of BTC: "EUR", to: "BTC", amount: 10, side: :sell)

Buy/exchange 10 EUR worth of LTC: "EUR", to: "LTC", amount: 10, side: :sell)

Buy/exchange 10 EUR worth of ETH: "EUR", to: "ETH", amount: 10, side: :sell)

Buy/exchange 10 EUR worth of XRP: "EUR", to: "XRP", amount: 10, side: :sell)

Development & Testing

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

Copy credentials.yml.example to credentials.yml. If you do not already have your user id and an access token, run bin/console:

client =
client.signin(phone: "+1555555555", password: "1337")
client.confirm_signin(phone: "+1555555555", code: "CODE_RECEIVED_FROM_REVOLUT")
=> {:id=>"YOUR-USER-ID", :access_token=>"YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"}

Update credentials.yml with your user id, access token and device id.

You can now run rake spec to run the tests.

WARNING: If you delete the VCR cassettes in the spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes-folder real API calls will be made to Revolut and real data will be returned from Revolut.

For the current test suite this means performing actual exchanges from EUR to USD and exchanging all available USD in your wallet to EUR.

I repeat: I do not take any responsibility for any loss of funds.

The data returned from Revolut will contain your real user data. You have to manually edit all VCR cassette files and replace your personal/sensitive data with dummy data.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Revolut project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Revolut Api" Project. README Source: SebastianJ/revolut-api
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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