Review Heatmap Versions Save

Anki add-on to help you keep track of your review activity


2 years ago

Support my work

If you enjoy Review Heatmap, please consider supporting my work by pledging your support on Patreon. – Thank you! :heart:

IMPORTANT: You can download Review Heatmap directly off of AnkiWeb now! Please use this installation method as it's much simpler to follow and will allow you to automatically receive updates in the future.


Download from AnkiWeb

IMPORTANT: While likely compatible with earlier versions, this add-on release has only been extensively tested with Anki 2.1.49 and up. The AnkiWeb upload is therefore limited to Anki 2.1.49+ for the time being (but might be expanded to earlier releases in the future).

If you are on an earlier Anki release there is no need to worry: Copying the AnkiWeb add-on code into the app will automatically download a compatible version of the add-on for you. However, please be aware that it will not include the latest changes below.


  • Added support for Anki 2.1.50 and up. Both Qt6 and Qt5 builds are supported. On Apple silicon the add-on now benefits from the performance improvements that Anki's native Qt6 build provides.
  • Added an option to exclude review history entries created by manually rescheduling or forgetting cards. This option is enabled by default, but can be disabled under Settings β†’ Fine Tuning β†’ Exclude manual reschedules from history
  • Added a number of changes that should improve the rendering performance of the heatmap when switching between Anki screens


  • Fixed an issue where invalid card scheduling could cause the heatmap to disappear
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on today's repetitions would not draw up any cards in the browser
  • Fixed an issue where config changes could not be written
  • On recent Anki versions: Potentially fixed a number of issues with time-zone handling that would sometimes cause mismapping of repetitions to the wrong days. If you are still experiencing issues like this, I would kindly ask you to please report them here in order to help me troubleshoot them.


  • Completely refactored the add-on codebase and rewrote many parts of it, making Review Heatmap easier to maintain and extend in the future
  • Switched to new canonical add-on APIs where possible, reducing the risk for future breakages as new Anki versions get released
  • Removed heatmap toggle hotkey as it was not particularly discoverable nor particularly useful and caused keymap conflicts with other add-ons
  • Raised the minimum Anki version requirement to 2.1.28. However, only 2.1.49 and up were tested extensively, so your mileage on earlier releases might vary.

Full changelog

Installation instructions:

Please see the manual installation section in the README.

Help & Support

Run into any issues? Please file a bug report here.


4 years ago

Support my work

If you enjoy Review Heatmap, please consider supporting my work by pledging your support on Patreon or by buying me a cup of coffee. – Thank you! :heart:

Β Β Β Β 



  • Added support for Anki 2.1.24 and up (database access, new hook system, new finder extensions)


  • Improved timezone handling. This should hopefully fix some of the issues users were experiencing around DST changes. If you are still experiencing issues please let me know. Troubleshooting timezone-related problems is hard, so I'm grateful for every additional tester that can help replicate things (#71)
  • Fixed daily average calculation towards beginning of streaks (#40, #50)
  • Improved assignment of forecasts to calendar days
  • Added a workaround for an Anki bug present on 2.1.14 and lower


  • Dropped support for Anki 2.0 (thus the major add-on version bump)
  • Added debugging utilities that allow users to submit detailed debug logs when troubleshooting
  • Added link to changelog in options screen
  • Removed the seen: query phrase. This had been deprecated in the past, and with Anki 2.1.24 now no longer supporting addon-provided queries for filtered decks, it no longer made sense to keep it.

Full changelog

Installation instructions:

Please see the manual installation section in the README.

Help & Support

Run into any issues? Please file a bug report here.


5 years ago

Support my work

If you enjoy Review Heatmap, please consider supporting my work by pledging your support on Patreon or by buying me a cup of coffee :coffee:

Β Β Β Β 

:heart: Thank you!



  • Full Anki 2.1 support (and 2.0 backwards compatibility)
    • Yes, it's finally here!
  • Completely reworked months mode
    • shows a continuous timeline of activity, instead of being bound to a yearly schedule
    • more granular insight into monthly activity, and activity by weekday
  • A multitude of new options, granting you more control over your stats than ever before:
    • the ability to set a starting date for the heatmap
    • the ability to exclude certain decks from being tracked
    • an option to exclude deleted cards from your stats
    • the ability to set a custom hotkey to toggle the heatmap
  • Secondary actions when Shift-clicking heatmap buttons:
    • quickly move to the very beginning of your review history
    • quickly move to the last scheduled review
    • instantly change the display mode or color theme
    • and more!
  • Support for the Night Mode add-on
    • all themes now come with beautiful night mode versions that are automatically switched on when Night Mode is active (requires Night Mode version 2.2.3 and up)
    • special thanks to MichaΕ‚ Krassowski for laying the groundwork on Night Mode's side!
  • A beautiful new UI with updated buttons, new tooltips, and more polish than ever before


  • Completely rewrote the add-on. Review Heatmap's codebase hadn't really changed that much since the add-on' first release nearly two years ago. This rewrite, although arduous and very time-consuming, was long overdue and now provides a stable and maintainable base for future additions to Review Heatmap.
  • Fully redesigned options dialog, which can now also be accessed directly from the heatmap.
  • On Anki 2.1 the heatmap now loads asynchronously, i.e. without blocking page load, which should make for faster switching between Anki's screens even with long review histories
  • History and forecast limits are now inactive by default. The previous default of limiting the displayed data to a period of 365 days could be confusing sometimes.


  • Fixed a series of elusive bugs surrounding different time-zones, daily cutoff settings, and other date mismatches (#23)
  • Fixed incompatibilities with the Night Mode add-on (#9)
  • Fixed view scrolling sometimes not working (#16)
  • Fixes some macOS- and Windows-specific layout and sizing issues
  • Quite a few other smaller issues which would take too long to list here


  • the seen: query phrase has been superseded by the new rid: phrase, and is likely to be removed in the future


  • Throughout the redesign of Review Heatmap I had to develop a completely new set new tools for building and testing my add-ons. The fruits of this work will also benefit my other projects, making for a faster iteration time, and more 2.1 add-on releases coming soon!
  • Review Heatmap and all of the other add-ons I'm working on are now tested against all platforms supported by Anki. If you are a macOS or Windows user you should see a lot of improvements in ironing out platform-specific kinks in the future.

Full changelog

Installation instructions:

Please see the manual installation section in the README.

Help & Support

Run into any issues? Please file a bug report here.


5 years ago

Since it seems like some websites still link here: This release is super outdated. Please install the latest release following the installation instructions here instead!

This is temporary release reflecting the development state of the add-on from a few months back. It is meant as an interim solution until v0.7.0 – the first official 2.1 release – becomes stable.

In order to install it you will have to move the review_heatmap folder into Anki's addons21 folder.

Please note that this is alpha-quality software. You should only use it if you know what you are doing. As this is an obsolete version of the add-on, I will not be able to address any issues that you might encounter, nor will I be able to provide any support.

v0.7.0, which packs a complete overhaul of the add-on and stable 2.1 support, will be ready soon. So my advice would be to just wait until then.