Retinanet Examples Versions Save

Fast and accurate object detection with end-to-end GPU optimization


3 years ago

This release adds:

  • MobileNetV2FPN backbone
  • Rotated bounding box detections models can now be exported to ONNX and TensorRT using odtk export model.pth model.plan --rotated-bbox
  • The --rotated-bbox flag is automatically applied when running odtk infer or odtk export on a model trained with ODTK version 0.2.2 or later.


3 years ago


  • --dynamic-batch-opts option to odtk export.
    • This parameter allows you to provide TensorRT Optimiation Profile batch sizes for engine export (min, opt, max).



4 years ago

Version 0.2.0 introduces rotated detections.


  • train arguments:
    • --rotated-bbox: Trains a model is predict rotated bounding boxes [x, y, w, h, theta] instead of axis aligned boxes [x, y, w, h].
  • infer arguments:
    • --rotated-bbox: Infer a rotated model.


The project has reverted to the name Object Detection Toolkit (ODTK), to better reflect the multi-network nature of the repo.

  • retinanet has been replaced with odtk. All subcommands remain the same.


  • Models trained using the --rotated-bbox flag cannot be exported to ONNX or a TensorRT Engine.
  • PyTorch raises two warnings which can be ignored:

Warning 1: NCCL watchdog

[E ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:284] NCCL watchdog thread terminated

Warning 2: Save state warning

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/optim/ UserWarning: Please also save or load the state of the optimzer when saving or loading the scheduler.
  warnings.warn(SAVE_STATE_WARNING, UserWarning)


4 years ago

This release adds image augmentation (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation) and four degree rotational augmentation.

Added parameters:

  • --augment-rotate: Randomly rotates the training images by 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°.
  • --augment-brightness (float): Randomly adjusts brightness of image. The value sets the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution. The degree of augmentation is selected from this distribution. Default: 0.05
  • --augment-contrast (float): Randomly adjusts contrast of image. The value sets the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution. The degree of augmentation is selected from this distribution. Default: 0.05
  • --augment-hue (float): Randomly adjusts hue of image. The value sets the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution. The degree of augmentation is selected from this distribution. Default: 0.01
  • --augment-saturation (float): Randomly adjusts saturation of image. The value sets the standard deviation of a Gaussian distribution. The degree of augmentation is selected from this distribution. Default: 0.05
  • --regularization-l2 (float): Sets the L2 regularization of the optimizer. Default: 0.0001


5 years ago

This pre-release, corresponding with the NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) PyTorch 19.04 container version, includes the first iteration of pretrained RetinaNet models created with this project:

  • ResNet18FPN backbone
  • ResNet34FPN backbone
  • ResNet50FPN backbone
  • ResNet101FPN backbone
  • ResNet152FPN backbone