RepoZ Versions Save

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» A zero-conf git repository hub for Windows and macOS with Windows Explorer- & CLI-enhancements


3 years ago

Happy 2021 everyone πŸ₯³


Let's start this year with a maintenance release of RepoZ. I'm very happy to name 3 contributors which helped me a lot making this version:

I'm very grateful for every single contribution, thank you friends πŸ™

In addition, I redesigned RepoZ and its menu bar icon for macOS 11 which (IMHO) looks much cleaner now:


Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-02 um 22 54 32


Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-02 um 22 55 31

As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ.

If you do, please consider to ... :star: Star this repository 🐀 Follow me on Twitter :heart: Sponsor me here on GitHub


3 years ago

Empowering the right-clickers πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

I was lucky and got some contributions for this version, big thanks to Glenn F. Henriksen for helping out.

He added support for Visual Solution solutions (#116), meaning RepoZ will automatically find *.sln files and add them to the context menu of a repository. By the way, he surely did not fix some typos in RepoZ ...

Screenshot 2020-08-14 at 13

Speaking of the context menu, the Mac version now finally has the same feature set as RepoZ on Windows.

With this version I added two additional functions you can find in the screenshot above:

  • Open repositories directly in Visual Studio Code (#108)
  • Browse remote repositories (#98) which fires up a browser and navigates to the remote address, like here on GitHub, for example.

(pretty proud of having Scott Hanselman himself helping out with the naming)


Simon Dobie extended my horizon by pointing out that not everyone has the Windows taskbar docked to the bottom (#110) πŸ˜… RepoZ looked weird if the taskbar was docked to the top or to the left - with this version, all docking scenarios are supported.


In addition, I'm pretty happy with the way I could improve the grr cd ... command. By using the clipboard, I'm not forced to type each char in the target process command line anymore.

One more thing.

Last but surely not least, I'm very proud to mention issue #114. An issue created by noone else than Patrik Svensson, the creator of✴, who also offered to help out with this.


This is a highly requested feature enabling developers to customize their context menu actions. Developers keep being developers πŸ˜‡. We did not begin to work on that issue, yet. I encourage everyone to jump in and help us shaping this feature.

✴ Cake Build is a cross-platform build automation system which allows you to write your builds in C#. I use it in every single project of mine. You need to try it, it's incredibly good.

As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ. Have fun βœ‹

Please consider to ... ⭐︎ Star this repository 🐀 Follow me on Twitter ❀︎ Sponsor me here on GitHub


4 years ago

Welcome Windows Terminal πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

The awesome Windows Terminal was supported with grr and grrui since it appeared in the Microsoft Store. With this release, Windows Terminal made it to the RepoZ GUI as well:


As shown in the screenshot, Windows Terminal will be the first console app to be listed if it is installed.

Even more, if RepoZ finds that Windows Terminal is installed, it will replace PowerShell as default action (when hitting CTRL+Return or Command+Return). If Windows Terminal is not present, a PowerShell console will be used as before.

Additionally, some users reported a rare issue when they opened a repository from RepoZ in PowerShell. This is fixed now as well.


As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ. Have fun βœ‹

Please consider to ... ⭐︎ Star this repository 🐀 Follow me on Twitter ❀︎ Sponsor me here on GitHub


4 years ago

It's the details ...

RepoZ 5.2 is here and wow - you won't even notice. πŸš€

Actually, I fixed some minor but annoying issues and updated grr and grrui. Let's dig in:

grr and grrui can now return & copy the directory of a repository. Use the "Get Directory" command grr gd .... This will write the repository directory to stdout and additionally copy it to your clipboard. In grrui, there's a new button for that.

Don't miss to learn about the power of grr with grr help!

Speaking of grr and grrui, they're both neat .NET Core 3.1 apps now ❀️

Even more important are the minor bug fixes like the following (and some I won't even mention):

  • an issue with the Windows Terminal Preview in combination with grr cd ... (#95)
  • an issue with opening files with grr open ... (#94)
  • a rendering issue #87 which should finally be gone for good

As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ.

If you think you do, please consider to star this repository. If you really do, I'm also on Twitter: Twitter Waescher. Follow me.

Have fun βœ‹


4 years ago

Time to improve

It has been a quiet time in here even though the download count is still rising. I'm happy to see this, thank you. In meantime, I found some time to improve and build a minor version for you.

Let's see.


The most prominent change in this release should be the changes to the UI. The following image shows version 5.0 on the left side versus 5.1 on the right. The status string is now rendered within a light border and uses a monospace font. I think it reflects its close relationship to the source code better now. I hope you like it.


You'll find the same style in RepoZ for macOS as well.

Screenshot 2019-07-29 at 15 49 58


Thanks to our friend @pedoc and his Pull Request #84, RepoZ now comes with localization support. Right now, English, German and Chinese are supported.

6604230 Cheers mate :beer:


RepoZ is a great tool to track unfinished work over all repositories. Until now, this included uncommited file changes or commits you did not push yet. Starting with version 5.1, RepoZ will also show the count of the stashes you parked away in the past within the status string.


Filter on todo's

As stated out above, RepoZ can be very handy to track unfinished work. However, one thing that has been missing for me personally was the possibility to get an overview of these changed ones exclusively. That's where version 5.1 comes in: By using the predefined filter todo, you can filter on repositories with unfinished work, like uncommited file changes, unpushed commits or as written above: repositories with stashed changes.


Of course, this is also possible with grr and grrui.



Unfortunately, grrui still has to use alternative characters because the awesome Terminal UI library gui.cs from Miguel de Icaza does not support the characters RepoZ uses, yet. More details over here.

You don't have to memorize predefined filters and the filter targets I wrote about as version 5.0 came out. It's all in the help screen of grr --help


Minor improvements

As always, there are a few minor improvements to make RepoZ even more reliable. One of these fixes issue #76 , an issue I encountered a few times in the past when my dev machine ran a few weeks 24/7.

If you're using the new Windows Terminal preview, you may be happy to hear that grr cd ... is now able to change the directory there as well.

Some users reported ugly UI glitches #87 with the latest Windows update. This is fixed now as well.

As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ.

If you think you do, please consider to star this repository. If you really do, I'm also on Twitter: Twitter Waescher. Follow me.

Have fun βœ‹


5 years ago

Thank you :100:

It has been quite a while and RepoZ grew from a proof-of-concept in April 2017 to a 100 :star: GitHub project πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

Seriously, thank you! To all of you, supporting this by downloading RepoZ, adding improvement proposals (yes, talking about issues) and maybe even supporting via the "Ping back" menu item.

Ping back

To celebrate the 100th star, I've prepared a new build for you and this one is quite massive.

Let's dig in ...

Acrylic Windows UI.

The Windows app enjoyed another UI update. It now makes use of acrylic blurs and got rid of the title bar. I hope you like it. If you are not sure if you do, here's a comparison with an early build of the PoC phase:


Manage repositories

One of my top priorities during all the time was to keep the UI of RepoZ as slick as possible. I did not want to add thousand options and technical stuff developers love to implement. It should be very self explanatory and work without any configuration at all.

However I felt that a bit is missing: If a repository is detected (with "Scan" or by auto-detect) it was in RepoZ forever. Noone knew the place where the cached repositories could be cleared for example. It was possible but the secret path to the config files was not very known I think (it's %APPDATA%\RepoZ or ~/.config/RepoZ).

So now, RepoZ offers the possibility to clear the repository list completely, so you can add repositories again as you like.


Ignore repositories

As you might have seen in the last image, there's a new command "Reset ignore rules" as well. This leads to a quite prominent feature: Ignore repositories.

Screenshot 2019-04-02 at 12 59 40

By ignoring repositories, they will not appear in RepoZ, grr and grrui anymore. RepoZ will also stop to add the branch and file status to Windows Explorer titles for ignored repositories. So called "Ignores" will be persisted and match repositories by their path. If you move them around, they might re-appear until you ignore them again.

As you know by now, there's an option to reset these ignore rules (see "Manage repositories") completely. If you do, the ignored repositories will then appear as soon as a change is detected in there or you scan your machine manually. That means former ignored repositories will not pop out of nowhere back to the UI because they have been there in the past. RepoZ needs to detect them again.

Context menus and multiselection on macOS

Another improvement for my beloved Mac users: RepoZ finally comes with context menus to open a finder window, the terminal, fetch/pull/push repositories or ignore them. Of course, this works with multiselection as well.

This finally closes the gap between the Windows version and the Mac version - if you are willing to ignore the fact that RepoZ does not provide macOS Finder title extensions like it does for the Windows Explorer.


Filter targets

Up to this version, it was possible to filter for repository names only. Now, you can filter repositories by their name, current branch as well as their full path on the file system. This is possible with prefixes like "n ", "b " & "p " and works in RepoZ, grr and grrui.

filter targets

  • Please see issue 68 for more details on that.

Further improvements

Every developer likes to say that there's way more to it. Invisible improvements everywhere. Actually, there's one every Windows user should notice immediately: There's no delay anymore if you wake RepoZ from the Windows tray, making it way more comfortable to use.

As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ. Have fun βœ‹


5 years ago

Return of the Mac

grr on macOS

RepoZ is back in version 4 and now ships grr as dotnet core executable. That means, grr is cross-platform now and therefore available on macOS as well :tada:

You can use grr from anywhere in macOS to query the repository information from RepoZ in command line.

Auto fetch

However, there's a restriction: On Windows, grr cd RepoZ would directly jump to the repository's directory. On Mac, grr only copies the command to jump to the clipboard. So by now, you have to paste and execute that command manually.


As a big fan of the awesome Terminal GUI framework gui.cs from the even more awesome Miguel de Icaza, RepoZ now ships with a second command line sidekick: grrui

Auto fetch

grrui is basically an interactive Terminal GUI for grr. Both are available as global tools on the command line in Windows and macOS. Choose wisely.

Package installer on macOS

Thanks to grr and grrui, RepoZ for Mac is not a single app file anymore. From now on, RepoZ will be available as package installer for macOS. It will install RepoZ as app and both command line tools (to /usr/local/bin). Additionally, it registers a launch deamon to launch RepoZ with the system. It has never been easier to get RepoZ to the Mac.

macOS Installer

Auto fetch

Last but surely not least, a feature I learned to love as I implemented it. I was not sure whether it was a good idea as I read the feature suggestions #45 & #52 posted by ScottRFrost and twenzel at first.

Auto fetch will automatically fetch your git repositories for you so that you can easily see how far local repositories got behind their remotes. Very subtle yet quite helpful.

Auto fetch

Don't panic, git fetch won't bring you in trouble with local changes. Unlike git pull it will not touch your local files. I'd like to encourage you to give it a try, it's available for Windows and macOS.

Thanks mates πŸŽ‰ ScottRFrost twenzel

That's it with version 4. As always, I hope you enjoy using RepoZ. Have fun βœ‹


5 years ago

First preview version to test the new Auto-fetch feature.



5 years ago

Party like it's 1999

... when Windows install wizards were a thing πŸ§™

Finally, I pulled out good old NSIS to make a Windows Installer for RepoZ and grr. It will install RepoZ and add its directory to the Windows PATH variable. Hopefully, this will lower the barriers to use grr in your command line tools since manual steps to edit the PATH are now a thing of the past.

Windows Installer

This release also brings RegEx filters back to grr.

By default, repository filters are LIKE-filters, so grr Rep returns all repositories containing "rep" (case insensitive) no matter if it is at the beginning, end or middle of the name. If you need more control, you can put square brackets around your filter to use the power of Regular Expressions so if you want to search for repositories ending with "Z", for example, just go with grr [.*Z] .


5 years ago

Or: Mojave 🏜

This release makes RepoZ a first class citizen for macOS Mojave 10.14. It fully supports the brand new Dark Mode and makes use of the new Accent Colors you can choose freely, like Red and Blue:


This version also includes some minor tweaks I won't bore you with.

Most interesting for Windows users: grr got a bit friendlier now and does not want you to type regex'es for like searches. You can now search your repositories with like by default so grr epo will return "RepoZ", for example. In earlier releases, you had to type grr .*epo.*