Recreational Mathematics With Python Save

Short python samples of recreational mathematics.

Project README

Recreational Mathematics with Python

This is the source code repository of the recreational mathematics page at

This repository contains a number of short python samples illustrating topics from the field of recreational mathematics. The source code of each sample fits on a single page.

John Conways Game of Life

A Python implementation of John Conways Game of Life


The Chaos Game

Create fractal patterns with a random iteration algorithm called the chaos game.


2D Wave Equation

A finite difference solution to the 2D wave equation with absorbing boundary conditions and up to 8th order accuracy of the spacial derivations.


The Sierpinski Triangles and more

A python implementation for computing fractals with a recursive algortihm.


3D Wave Equation

A finite difference solution to the 3D wave equation with absorbing boundary conditions.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Recreational Mathematics With Python" Project. README Source: beltoforion/recreational_mathematics_with_python

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