Recluse Bot Save

200+ commands free open source code of discord bot

Project README

Suscribe to Diwas Atreya


200+ commands free open source code of discord bot

Make sure to join The servers below:

Star the repo and fork it, Ty

Things You should not do
  • Dont remove credits
  • Dont say u created it when u didnt
  • dont copy paste or u will never learn
Things you should to do:
  • Suscribe to KP 18 AKA Atreya
  • star this repo
  • fork this repo
  • follow me
  • make videos on my projects
  • Gift me nitro for more code
  • join recluse community
  • Add you token in config and .env
  • Add you ID in owner.json
  • Goto server.js number 163 and add your channel ID
  • run it by node server.js


  • Go secrets[Environment Variable] and add TOKEN and paste token there if you are in or put add token in .env file

  • Run in

  • Click Here

Please Subscribe to my channel and for help join my server.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Recluse Bot" Project. README Source: diwasatreya/Recluse-Bot
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Last Commit
1 year ago

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