ReCAPTCHA.AspNetCore Versions Save

Google reCAPTCHA v2/v3 for .NET Core 3.x


3 years ago

This release contains a patch for release 3.0.9.


3 years ago

This release includes a community feature for enabling, or disabling async script loading in V3HiddenInput.


3 years ago

This release includes a fix for V3HiddenInput which allows for setting the element Id in the event of being used on more than 1 form at a time.


3 years ago

This is a community update by @rustybox . It removes the ability to specify HttpClient in the constructor, it also privatizes HttpClient in RecatpchaService. This was done to prevent issues with reuse that were reported.


3 years ago

This fixes a bug when using a custom model, it also restores the exception for google test keys and domain forgery.


3 years ago

This release includes a fix for #62 RecaptchaService was not being populated with IOptions settings when injected (injecting the base RecaptchaSettings class however did work) due to .Configure not being called.


3 years ago

This release fixes bugs for reported issues in #56. This also includes a feature update for testing keys per #61 and #12.


4 years ago

This release adds a more standardized method for configuring the library using helpers (see docs). It also includes a requested feature for changing the error message. This can now be done by setting errorMessage on the ValidateRecaptcha attribute. Will default to the previous hard coded message if not supplied.


4 years ago

This release contains a new optional feature for Content Security Policy (see docs). This also contains a bug fix for where the recaptcha script was loaded from using the optional Site feature.


4 years ago

This release includes a fix for RecaptchaV3HiddenInput not containing a default for Action.