Recanalyst Versions Save

Analyzes Age of Empires 2 recorded game files.


5 years ago


5 years ago


  • Support UserPatch 1.5 version identifier. (#65)


6 years ago




7 years ago


  • Fix reading pre-game lobby chat from co-op players. (4cfae39ea843f7fbed4f4b035e64b13301b73266)

New stuff:

  • Add missing game type and map type constants. (e267bb935279537b625c30a1c4f135fbecdc3e8a)


  • Extract Map data analyzer. (ce96b0cf6a5693f69e282b004154ebf74438addd)


7 years ago


  • Fixed associating chat messages with players in co-op games. Earlier only chat messages sent by the main player in a co-op group would be linked correctly. (bd06dc5b984b6046ae65a4e78c2577864748322e)


  • Improved performance of reading Sync packets in the recorded game body. There's a lot of them, so the body analyzer should be about 35-40% faster for most games. (c4266e20918ebbb2a57209b9e6d387203b2434c2)


7 years ago

This release adds support for reading map names from games that use custom random maps, and fixes a chat and co-op bugs.


  • ->gameSettings()->mapName() now attempts to read the map name from the Objectives tab if a custom random map is used. (503573895f89a67c1001fe3d7a617e4134826b84)

    This behaviour can be disabled using the new extractRMSName option:

    // Don't use the .rms name reader, instead returning "Custom" when a custom random map is used.
    $mapName = $rec->gameSettings()->mapName(['extractRMSName' => false]);
  • Added some methods for dealing with co-op players. (ce396a00a5f00ce0aabf3ab50873024e76442e31)


  • Pre-game multiplayer lobby chat is now also read from HD Edition games. (2621ef91285b6534ed18d48f525011901c8f3f18)
  • Fixed detection of co-oping players. (ce396a00a5f00ce0aabf3ab50873024e76442e31)


7 years ago

This release adds the necessary image and language resources for African Kingdoms and fixes numerous bugs.


  • Generated resources now include all African Kingdoms maps, terrains, researches and units.
  • A new $rec->getPlayer($index) method to retrieve a Player object by the player index.


  • $rec->players() does not return Spectating players anymore in HD Edition. A $rec->spectators() method was added instead to retrieve the spectating players.


  • Unique unit upgrades and unique techs now have icons.
  • Tributes now have the correct resource ID and point to the correct players. Before, both the playerFrom and playerTo would point to the same player.
  • $player->achievements() now returns the achievements for the correct player.


7 years ago
  • Add support for Map IDs from .aoe2record files.


7 years ago

This is a small release with an important translations fix and some speed improvement.

  • Fix map ID to map name translations. They were very wrong before.
  • Fix an undefined variable error when a player objects list ("starting units") analysis fails. It'll now throw a more descriptive exception instead.
  • Speed up objects list analysis.
  • Always set the scenarioFilename property on the header analysis. If the recorded game file was not a scenario game, $rec->header()->scenarioFilename will be NULL.
  • Add a memoryLimit option to customise the maximum amount of bytes of memory to allocate when decompressing recorded game headers. It's set to 16MB by default and I haven't encountered a game where this wasn't enough, but some custom scenarios with very many starting units or eye candy might be even larger. Best to set this to something your server will be able to reasonably handle (or keep it at 16MB which will be enough for a vast majority of cases).


7 years ago

This release fixes a few important things:

  • Fix how researches are extracted from data files. Earlier, the Tech Effect ID was used instead of the research ID. Recorded games store the research ID. As such, RecAnalyst would use the wrong strings and research images for many researches. v4.0.2 uses the correct strings and images.
  • Fix reading victory settings from HD Edition .aoe2record files.

You'll need to copy the image and language resources again to get the research fixes proper, or run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public with Laravel.

Then there's a not-so-important fix:

  • Fix reading Voobly's injected <Rating> chat messages. It's unlikely that anything was affected by the bug, since it would only prepend a space character to chat messages that shouldn't be there.

A few examples new usage examples were also added:

  • The chat example shows how to read chat messages.
  • The new Twig-less tabbed example is an alternative version of the Twig tabbed example, but in plain PHP.