React Spectrum Versions Save

A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.

@adobe/[email protected]

2 weeks ago

We have a huge release today! Its a GA bonanza 🎊 – Submenu, unavailable menu items, DropZone and FileTrigger components are now in GA. Check our blog post on the intricacies of the submenu interactions and how we handled them.

In addition, we have added a suite of new color components including ColorPicker, ColorArea, ColorField, ColorSlider, ColorSwatch, ColorSwatchPicker, ColorWheel, currently in beta. These enable you to build fully customizable color pickers, including accessible color descriptions for screen reader support.

The first alpha of TreeView has also been released. This was a highly requested component and includes support for expanding, collapsing, multi-selection, keyboard navigation, and interactive children. Documentation will follow soon, check out our React Spectrum storybook and React Aria Components storybook source code for examples.

We have also improved our integration with client side routers, accepting options to control router-specific behaviors such as scrolling, replacing instead of pushing to the history, base path, etc. For convenience, all collection items in React Aria Components (e.g. MenuItem) now also support isDisabled and onAction props directly, rather than needing to be defined on the root collection.

Last but not least, we want to acknowledge all the wonderful contributors who have dedicated their time to improve our libraries. A special thanks to @ryo-manba and @sookmax, who are responsible for multiple bug fixes to Switch, IME support, ListBox, ComboBox, as well as adding new features such as additional state attributes, hover events, and language support. Thank you!! 😍

Full release notes:

@adobe/[email protected]

3 months ago

Welcome to the first release of the new year! We have had a great response to our GA release of React Aria Components. If you haven’t tried it out, visit our docs to explore the examples. To help get you started, we have also created a few starter kits. These downloadable starter kits contain beautifully styled implementations of every available component and includes a working storybook. Available in vanilla and Tailwind CSS!

We have been busy working on our new Submenu feature which we are excited to release as an alpha. We have also made improvements to our overlay positioning code to better handle pinch zooming and spatial awareness.

As always, huge thanks and appreciation for everyone in our community for their feedback and contributions to make this release possible!

Full release notes:

@adobe/[email protected]

5 months ago

Welcome to the last release of the year! After a year of work, we are happy to announce the stable v1.0.0 release of React Aria Components. πŸŽ‰ This component library, built on top of our React Aria hooks, provides a simpler way to craft world-class accessible components with custom styles. See our new React Aria landing page for all of the details, including interactive examples. To help get you started even faster, we now also have a downloadable Storybook starter kit including an example CSS theme.

Also in this release we are promoting React Spectrum's DropZone to RC, adding the ability to optimize translation files, and fixing plenty of bugs. As always, huge thanks to everyone in our community for their feedback and contributions to make this release and this year possible!

Happy coding and see you in the new year! β˜ƒοΈ

Full release notes:

@adobe/[email protected]

9 months ago

In today's release, the InlineAlert component is going to GA! Explore the options in the React Spectrum InlineAlert docs. Our React Aria Components have new additions including TextArea, FileTrigger, and DropZone. Our date/time components have also had some usability updates, usePress now supports an option to continue propagation, and we improved support for HTML forms across our components.

Full release notes: