React Portal Versions Save

🎯 React component for transportation of modals, lightboxes, loading bars... to document.body or else.


6 years ago

v4.0.0 was a complete rewrite that utilizes React v16 Portal API. However, we dropped support for older Reacts. That can be a problem for library authors that still want to support older Reacts.

So, version v4.1.0. adds a fallback in case that Portal API doesn't exist. Now you can use the same react-portal with React v16 and v15.


7 years ago

It removes React.PropTypes and uses prop-types lib instead.


7 years ago

  • It doesn't rely on internal modules or React, so future React versions should not break this module again.
  • It removes shallowCompare() since it doesn't really do anything
  • It removes support to style (inline styles and className) the main react-portal div. Use a wrapper div (or other element) instead. This is a braking change if you rely on this functionality; thus, major release.


8 years ago

openByClickOn element is not wrapped by unnecessary div element anymore

  • cleaner markup
  • className openByClickOn removed
  • this is good if this element is something like button that should be inlined
  • this is a BC change; thus, major release

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