React Native Firebase Versions Save

🔥 A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.


4 years ago


4 years ago

Please note v5 is still seeing releases, but they are for breaking ecosystem changes only - just enough so it remains relevant for those that can't move to v6 yet.

This change allows use of Sign-in with Apple, an iOS13+ requirement to avoid rejection by the App Store if you use any forms of social authentication.

Breaking: Note that iOS13+ is only supported with Xcode 11+, which requires react-native 0.60+

You may find that react-native-firebase v5.6.x still works on react-native 0.59 (the test suite still does), but you will not be able to integrate Sign-in with Apple until you upgrade as that library is react-native 0.60+ only.

It works well with including a guide specifically for integrating with react-native-firebase, though note the import statements are for v6, you'll need to import auth in the v5 style to use it:

See discussion in the related issue:


4 years ago

Please note v5 is still seeing releases, but they are for breaking ecosystem changes only - just enough so it remains relevant for those that can't move to v6 yet.

These changes allow complete use of the AndroidX version of android libraries among other changes, so moving to react-native 0.60+ is easy


4 years ago