React Dream Versions Save

Fantasy Land type for React Components


6 years ago

defaultProps allows you to set the defaultProps of the wrapped React component.

const SubmitButton = Html.Button
  .defaultProps({ type: 'submit' })

propTypes sets the propTypes of the React component.

import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const Title = Html.H1
  .style(({ highlighted }) => ({
    backgroundColor: highlighted ? 'yellow' : 'transparent'
    children: PropTypes.node,
    highlighted: PropTypes.bool

Both rely on recompose higher-order components under the hood.


6 years ago

Now .log and .debug are simply wrapping @hocs/with-log and @hocs/with-debugger .

This also means that they are safer to use, since they will become no-ops when NODE_ENV is production.


6 years ago

Pointfree style provides a flexibility that chains don’t have. Now all of React Dream methods can be written pointfree by requiring the helper.

So now this:

const HeaderWrapper = Html.Header
  .contramap(omit(['clicked', 'updateClicked']))
  .style(({ clicked }) => ({
    backgroundColor: clicked ? 'red' : 'green',
    cursor: 'pointer',
    padding: 15,
      onClick: ({ clicked, updateClicked }) => () => updateClicked(!clicked),
  .map(withState('clicked', 'updateClicked', false))

…can also be written as:

import {Html, map, name, style, contramap} from 'react-dream'

const HeaderWrapper = compose(
  map(withState('clicked', 'updateClicked', false)),
      onClick: ({ clicked, updateClicked }) => () => updateClicked(!clicked),
  style(({ clicked }) => ({
    backgroundColor: clicked ? 'red' : 'green',
    cursor: 'pointer',
    padding: 15,
  contramap(omit(['clicked', 'updateClicked']))


6 years ago


rotate sets up a style transform property with the specified rotation, in degrees. If there is a transform already, rotate will append to it:

const Title = Html.H1
  .rotate(props => 45)

  <Title.Component style={{ transform: 'translateX(20px)' }} />,

…will result in transform: 'translateX(20px) rotate(45deg)'

Just a reminder: rotations start from the top left edge as the axis, which is rarely what one wants. If you want the rotation to happen from the center, you can set transform-origin: 'center', that with ReactDream would be .style(props => ({transformOrigin: 'center'})).


scale sets up a style transform property with the specified scaling factor. If there is a transform already, scale will append to it:

const Title = Html.H1
  .scale(props => 1.5)

  <Title.Component style={{ transform: 'translateX(20px)' }} />,

…will result in transform: 'translateX(20px) scale(1.5)'


translate allows you to easily set up the transform style property with the specified displacement. If there is a transform already, translate will append to it:

const Title = Html.H1
  .translate(props => [30])
  .translate(props => [null, 30])
  .translate(props => [null, null, 30])

…will result in transform: 'translateZ(30px) translateY(30px) translateX(30px)'


6 years ago

promap can be thought of as a shorthand for doing contramap and map at the same time. The first argument to it is the function that is going to be used to contramap and the second is the one to be used to map:

const Header = Html.Div
    ({title}) => ({children: title}),


6 years ago

.log(text) allows to easily log in the middle of a chain.

.debug() allows to inject a debugger statement in the middle of a chain.


6 years ago

New wrappers for easily adding and removing props:

const Title = Html.H1
  .addProps(({ label }) => ({
    children: label