Re Pressed Versions Save

re-pressed is a clojurescript library that handles keyboard events for re-frame applications.


6 years ago


  • add :always-listen-keys, which takes a vector of keys. By default, all keys are not recorded when a user is typing inside of an input, select, or textarea. However, this is a way to effectively whitelist a set of keys and to always listen to them. Imagine a user is typing in an input and hits the Enter key, this is a way to still dispatch an event off of that.

Breaking changes


  • ::rp/set-keydown-event, renamed to ::rp/set-keydown-rules
  • ::rp/set-keypress-event, renamed to ::rp/set-keypress-rules
  • ::rp/set-keyup-event, renamed to ::rp/set-keyup-rules

Update inputs

  • :prevent-default-keys now takes a vector of keys (instead of a vector of key combo vectors)