RDSN Versions Save

Robust Distributed System Nucleus (rDSN) is an open framework for quickly building and managing high performance and robust distributed systems.


7 years ago

Major features and Improvements

  • Service API and Tool API are stabilized in dsn.core (C and C++)
  • dsn.dev.cpp as syntactic sugar for cpp service/application development
  • code generator for easier cpp development
  • dsn.svchost as common rDSN process runner
  • with following plugins
    • dsn.tools.common
      • deployment runtime (e.g., network, aio, lock, timer, perf counters, loggers) on both Windows and Linux
      • simple toollets: tracer, profiler, fault injector
    • dsn.dist.uri.resolver: a client-side helper module that resolve service URL to target machine address
    • dsn.tools.nfs: an implementation of remote file copy based on rpc and aio
    • dsn.tools.emulator: an emulation runtime for whole distributed system emulation with auto-test, replay, global state checking, etc.
    • dsn.app.simple_kv: an example application module

Bug fixes

Backwards-incompatible changes

The service API and the tool API are changed.

See here


8 years ago

This release locks down the service API for layer 1 (v1.0.0-alpha), i.e., for local machine development. Check out the details at http://imzhenyu.github.io/rDSN/documents/v1/html/group__dev-layer1.html. It also provides a set of integrated development tools, see ongoing document here or tool registration code here.

This release also provides a solid implementation of automatic replication at layer 2 (v0.9), which is mostly ready for production run (and it is onboarding in company). However, its programming interface may be changed due to the recent goal we have to have a SAME application model for both layer 1 and layer 2 in the release of v1.0.0. An ongoing document of layer 2 can be found at http://imzhenyu.github.io/rDSN/documents/v1/html/group__dev-layer2.html.

This release does not contain the code for layer 3 yet.

For installation of this release, please refer to http://imzhenyu.github.io/rDSN/documents/v1/html/group__install.html Make sure your pulled version is set to this release though.

Any problems, please fire issues to let us know. Thanks very much.