RC Exploiter Versions Save

NOT SUPORTED ANYMORE -- try resource_files repository (mosquito)


7 years ago

RC-exploiter v1.1.7-Beta

Framework Description:

Scanning WAN networks in search of targets may take 10 to 15 minutes depending
of your network connection, the tool will search in 1024 random hosts for the
selected port open, then port hosts found to metasploit database, and run the
conrrespondent 'exploit.rc' againts all hosts stored into 'RHOSTS' variable.

All rc files will use nmap nse scripting enginne to gather information and
msf auxiliarys modules to gather information + brute-force service selected.
'Each discovered matching login and password will create one shell session'

'''All of this available in one easy-automated-user-friendlly-interface'''

Major release updates:

Framework Internal Productivity Improvements:
1º - Framework IDS scans evasion technics review/improved
2º - Change Mac addr 'NetworkManager9' clone bug bypass  
3º - Faster framework 'chose-another-scan' speed increased
4º - Http.lua modified to send an iphone/safari user-agent in http requests
5º - Framework now will store credentials in RC-exploiter/db folder
6º - Framework LogFiles output review/improved [ nmap+msf outputs ]
7º - Services_default_passwords Dicionary files added to dicionarys folder

New 'Exploits' Available In Main Menu:
1º - new exploit option added  :  VNC port:5900
2º - new exploit option added  :  RPC port:135,389,1801,3790
3º - new exploit option added  :  VOIP port:5060

Option 9 [ 80:HTTP ] Scan Improvements:
1º - Script arguments added to file-checker.nse :  read=true
2º - Script phpipam.nse added to 80:HTTP scans  :  index=/phpipam.html
3º - Script http-slowloris.nse added to 80:HTTP scans


Framework Author : pedro ubuntu [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Dependencies     : metasploit(hd-moore) | nmap(fyodor) | macchanger(alvaro) | zenity ()  

Final Notes:

Appeal to your 'reverse engineering' skillz and crack this framework access password
or figure it out a way to bypass framework login, to prove me that is a curious dude
using my tool instead of a 'black-hat-newbie' with an appetite for destruction ...

Please read my main page (GITHUB) for further information about this project

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