Rbxit Versions Save

Really Basic sÍerra Tools - Sierra game patches and install wiki!


3 years ago

Another German version found and added: MaxiMiniGolf (re-release by Big Fun Software). Closes #21.


5 years ago

Recovered from the Internet Archive:

  • A zip of Sierra's 1996 Christmas present of 89 custom Herc files
  • A zip of the installer for Madaxe's HercView tool (32-bit and still runs on Win10)



5 years ago

The old 16-bit MVB help files for the manuals have been recompiled into the much-more-modern HTML help format (CHM, which, technically, is now also outdated but should also be supported in the foreseeable future). :scream: All three languages are included. It took a lot of tool writing plus mashing up with a variety of existing tools. The process is very loosely documented in the repo files here.

The conversion is near-perfect, but not perfect. Getting the final bit of perfection would have required maybe twice the work. Not worth it for the few edge cases where lines don't break properly in tables and such.

On the bright side, you now can zoom in (like with any other HTML browser) and other modern help features. I also rebuilt the hot-spot maps for the heck of it so that the hexagon menus now have matching hexagon hot spots (instead of an approximate mash of three or so rectangles in the original).

The supplied MVIEWER2.EXE merely translates the old context-sensitive calls to the equivalent call in the CHM load. It is just a DOS batch file converted to an EXE. The source is in the repo.

Users who were on release 6 can skip the patch install and just unzip the MANUAL folder and use that to replace their current MANUAL folder.


6 years ago

Same as Release 5 with French and German versions of the patched DLL now added (no v1.1 to worry about in French and German as far as I can find).


6 years ago

Finally, this patch is now ready for prime time! The compat shim that previously fixed the Save/Load issue has been removed and replaced by a machine code mod to CWARSDLL.DLL that should be more universal across OSs.

US and Europe patches unified (finally). Although, French and German versions not patched yet.


7 years ago

Inline with the French patch, splitting English and German to separate patches.


7 years ago

Inline with the French patch, splitting English and German to separate patches.


7 years ago

French copies found and patched. See #6 .


7 years ago

French copies found and patched. See #6 . Missing Sierra update for v1.1 (MGPAT11F.EXE) so cannot patch that yet.


7 years ago

With many thanks to @ScarabParamit for resurrecting this for the rest of us. #5