RaviKavaiya Sliding Panel Save

A Flutter slidable widget that provides an easy to use configuration. Highly customisable. Just as you want it!

Project README


The most customisable bottom sliding panel you can find on pub.dev. Just as you want it!

Features you would love


Take control Customize the way you want Various purposes
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Easily put your content in the panel, customize it and then just use the panel for various purposes like,

  • Showing some persistent content on bottom of the screen.
  • Can be used like showModalBottomSheet() from Flutter to make user choices.
  • Also use like DraggableScrollableSheet() and put scrollable content inside the panel.

:point_right: How to use sliding_panel:

Please visit the Wiki to see how you can get this working.

:ok_hand: Liked my work?

You can always hit the :+1: button and :star: it.

Still not enough??? paypal.me.

Users of v0.5.0 and 0.7.0:

The latest stable release (v1.0.1) has landed with many improvements. There are some breaking changes, too. For that, visit the Migration guide.

A note for v0.2.0 and v0.1.0 users :worried:

From version 0.5.0, we have a LOADS of breaking :boom: changes, which means that simply updating the package won't give you all the bells and whistles of new version. :pensive: For updating guide, please go to the Migration guide.

  • After following this guide, you will enjoy new features.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "RaviKavaiya Sliding Panel" Project. README Source: RaviKavaiya/sliding_panel
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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