Raspy Temperature Bot Save

This is a telegram bot hosted by a Raspberry Pi equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor. The bot is capable of sending plots and readings.

Project README


Note: This project is currently not maintained.

This is a telegram bot hosted by a Raspberry Pi equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor. The bot is capable of sending plots and readings.

graph example


This project is composed of 3 main files:

  • bot.py is used to host the telegram bot.
  • graph.py contains the Graph class, used to make graphs.
  • sensor.py contains the TemperatureSensor class, used to write and read from the sqlite3 database, as well as the function that reads the temperature and humidity values from the sensor.

bot.py will call both the Graph and TemperatureSensor classes.



Raspberry Pi setup

To make this project i used a Raspberry Pi Zero W with an AM2302 temperature and humidity sensor.

The humidity sensor has 3 pins:

  • DATA, connected to the GPIO 4 port, it sends the readings to the Raspberry Pi.
  • GROUND, connected to one of the ground ports.
  • VCC, connected to one of the 5V ports.

gpio pinout

Once your sensor is connected to your Raspberry Pi, go ahead and proceed to install a clean version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite.

raspy-temperature-bot installation

To install raspy-temperature-bot:

  1. Ssh into your Raspberry Pi
ssh [email protected]
  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Kirgnition/raspy-temperature-bot.git
  1. cd into the repository and install the requirements.
cd ./raspy-temperature-bot
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
  1. Paste your bot token in the TOKEN.py file.

  2. Create a service for the temperature sensor:

    1. Create a file called temperature_sensor.service:

      sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/temperature_sensor.service
    2. Paste the following:

      Description=ROT13 demo service
      ExecStart=python3 /path/to/sensor.py

      Set your username after User= and the path to sensor.py after ExecStart=.

    3. Enable the service by issuing on the terminal:

      systemctl start temperature_sensor.service
      systemctl enable temperature_sensor.service

      From the moment you start the service a reading will be taken by the sensor every 5 minutes and saved in a sqlite3 database.

  3. Create a service for the telegram bot in an analogous way.

Your bot should be now active, in case of restart both the bot and the sensor will start automatically.


Once the bot is installed and running, send the /start command on telegram to receive the list of available commands.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Raspy Temperature Bot" Project. README Source: KirkBuah/raspy-temperature-bot
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 months ago

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