Rasm Versions Save

RASM powerful Z80 assembler


1 month ago

v2.2.3 HFE not protected as default Snapshot RAM conf default

v2.2.2 HFE directive subcommand bugfixes (CRC, AddGAP, ...), it's now usable ^_^ bugfix Snapshot RLE encoding + autotest add new math function pow2 to get fractionnal power of 2 Online Help up to date


2 months ago

v2.2.2 HFE directive subcommand bugfixes (CRC, AddGAP, ...), it's now usable ^_^ Online Help up to date

v2.2.x bugfix Snapshot RLE encoding + autotest add new math function pow2 to get fractionnal power of 2 documentation updated


3 months ago


  • fixing RLE bugfix + Autotest

Important version because RASM and ACE were sharing the same wrong RLE encoding/decoding No Impact for people using ACE & RASM only But when sharing from other Emulator to ACE or importing from other Emulators to Rasm, you could have trouble with V3 version

bugfix Snapshot RLE encoding
add new math function pow2 to get fractionnal power of 2
documentation updated


3 months ago

Important version because RASM and ACE were sharing the same wrong RLE encoding/decoding No Impact for people using ACE & RASM only But when sharing from other Emulator to ACE or importing from other Emulators to Rasm, you could have trouble with V3 version

  • bugfix Snapshot RLE encoding
  • add new math function pow2 to get fractionnal power of 2
  • documentation updated

Thanks to Sid for MacOS build <3


4 months ago

Since october 2023, i'm doing a cycle of joint releases of RASM + ACE-DL Emulator so RASM versions are not major versions (until...)

2.1.7 REND must trigger an error if used with parameter(s) enforce DEFS repeat value is not a string

2.1.6 minor changes in old rasm symbol file to output symbol type (L)abel (V)ariable (A)lias (I)dx morphOS makefile bugfix meta struct autofill + autotest

2.1.5 new directive LOCALISATION to specify a precise localisation for ACE emulator when assembling in a temporary space documentation updated

2.1.4 minor changes in symbol export for ACE emulator bugfixes in HFE/DSK generation (still unfinished for HFE)

2.1.3 bugfixes related to wrong STRUCT usage + imbricated structs debug without efence, new target for fast recompilation (internal use)

2.1.2 new directive LABEL with options to set LOCAL/GLOBAL tag for ACE export and be more flexible bugfix lower ROM localisation at ACE export

2.1.1 minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot

super snaphots Help was updated, take a look! http://rasm.wikidot.com/dev:supersnap

windows 32bits and 64bits MacOS all versions executable (thanks to Sid)


4 months ago

2.1.6 minor changes in old rasm symbol file to output symbol type (L)abel (V)ariable (A)lias (I)dx morphOS makefile bugfix meta struct autofill + autotest

2.1.5 new directive LOCALISATION to specify a precise localisation for ACE emulator when assembling in a temporary space documentation updated

2.1.4 minor changes in symbol export for ACE emulator bugfixes in HFE/DSK generation (still unfinished for HFE)

2.1.3 bugfixes related to wrong STRUCT usage + imbricated structs debug without efence, new target for fast recompilation (internal use)

2.1.2 new directive LABEL with options to set LOCAL/GLOBAL tag for ACE export and be more flexible bugfix lower ROM localisation at ACE export

2.1.1 minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot

super snaphots Help was updated, take a look! http://rasm.wikidot.com/dev:supersnap

windows 32bits and 64bits MacOS all versions executable (thanks to Sid)


5 months ago

2.1.5 new directive LOCALISATION to specify a precise localisation for ACE emulator when assembling in a temporary space documentation updated

2.1.4 minor changes in symbol export for ACE emulator bugfixes in HFE/DSK generation (still unfinished for HFE)

2.1.3 bugfixes related to wrong STRUCT usage + imbricated structs debug without efence, new target for fast recompilation (internal use)

2.1.2 new directive LABEL with options to set LOCAL/GLOBAL tag for ACE export and be more flexible bugfix lower ROM localisation at ACE export

2.1.1 minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot

super snaphots Help was updated, take a look! http://rasm.wikidot.com/dev:supersnap

windows 32bits and 64bits + MacOS all version executable (thanks to Sid)


5 months ago

2.1.4 minor changes in symbol export for ACE emulator bugfixes in HFE/DSK generation (still unfinished for HFE)

2.1.3 bugfixes related to wrong STRUCT usage + imbricated structs debug without efence, new target for fast recompilation (internal use)

2.1.2 new directive LABEL with options to set LOCAL/GLOBAL tag for ACE export and be more flexible bugfix lower ROM localisation at ACE export

2.1.1 minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot

super snaphots Help was updated, take a look! http://rasm.wikidot.com/dev:supersnap

windows 32bits and 64bits + MacOS all version executable


6 months ago

2.1.3 bugfixes related to wrong STRUCT usage + imbricated structs debug without efence, new target for fast recompilation (internal use)

2.1.2 new directive LABEL with options to set LOCAL/GLOBAL tag for ACE export and be more flexible bugfix lower ROM localisation at ACE export

2.1.1 minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot

super snaphots Help was updated, take a look! http://rasm.wikidot.com/dev:supersnap


7 months ago

minor version release on the occasion of ACE-DL emulator release

new command line option -rasm in order to produce super symbol file for ACE-DL Emulator
new directive EDSK to build, merge, manage, edit and assemble inside
there is also HFE prototypes in order to manage an MFM flow (as you know, HFE is a pure track format)

DSK support is documented on wikidot