Rapidscan Versions Save

:new: The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner.


2 years ago

The v1.1 is a fully-functional version of RapidScan suitable for domains or websites supporting Python 2.7. Python 3 is not supported.

The upcoming version 1.2 will be supporting Python 3.

This release is not optimized for scanning network devices like firewalls, routers, etc.

The v2.0 will contain the Bug-Bounty module. The v3.0 which is still under development that supports scanning of both the websites and network devices.


5 years ago

The v1.0 is a fully-functional version of RapidScan suitable for domains or websites. This release is not optimized for scanning network devices like firewalls, routers, etc.

The v2.0 which is still under development will be supporting both the websites and network devices.