RapidRepoPull Versions Save

The goal of this program is to quickly pull and install repos from its list


5 years ago

Release Version 3.0.2

  • Cleaned up @click section comments based on input provided by Codefactor

  • Provided comment on second worker_data=[] list purpose

  • Updated readme file "Use case" section

  • Updated master branch with new features

  • Added the ability to scrape a given url with the -u flag and clone any Github repos which are existing as links

  • Added the pip huepy library to the program to help with user cli notifications with colors


5 years ago
  • New 2.0.0 release includes the following new features

  • New CLI based help menu with multiple options

  • Ability to Specify user defined text file with custom repos for RapidRepoPull to clone

  • Ability to specify how many threads the script takes advantage of

  • Code refactored and additional comments added for clarity

  • New use option script (option4.sh) created to install dependencies and get script ready for user

  • specified text file and the specification for the number of threads to use


5 years ago

The latest version of this release includes a dockerfile to quickly test the tool and docker-compose to quickly build from the docker file


5 years ago

Cleaned up readme, added new repo to close and removed un-needed import library


5 years ago

This is the first initial release of the code working as desired