RAGTextField Versions Save

Subclass of UITextField that adds an animated placeholder and an optional hint label below the text.


3 years ago
  • Add support for Swift Package Manager
  • Add placeholder mode "scalesAlways" which always transforms the placeholder


5 years ago

Migrated to Swift 5.


5 years ago

Changed text padding from horizontal and vertical padding values to UIEdgeInsets which allows padding to the left, right, top and bottom of the text rectangle. The properties horizontalTextPadding and verticalTextPadding were removed.


5 years ago

Added Carthage support. Added hintOffset property that offsets the hint label from the text.


5 years ago

Basically redid most of the implementation. Improved support of different text alignments. Added support of the left and right auxiliary views and right-to-left languages. Added a view that draws an animated underline below the text (optional).


7 years ago

Fixed layout issue.


7 years ago

Fixed access control of init(frame:) which was accidentally set to internal.


7 years ago

Had to fix the author's email address throughout the lib.


7 years ago

The first release of this repository published on CocoaPods.