QuickenLoans Uri Template Save Abandoned

A PHP full implementation of RFC 6570

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URI Template

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This is a full implementation of RFC 6570.

There are many other PHP implementations of RFC 6570 out there, but this one tries to go above and beyond with the following features:

  • Takes care to handle non-ascii character encoding issues properly.
  • Has 100% unit test code coverage.
  • Unit tests not only the RFC examples of non-error scenarios but also failure situations covered by the text.
  • Does not use any regular expressions.
  • The main expander is a PHP class that is invokable, allowing for easy use and allowing it to be autoloaded (unlike a single function).
  • This package also priovides a 'strict class' that will throw an exeption if the URI template uses invalid syntax in any way if your code wants to gaurentee the template before using it.
  • This package works with HHVM without issue.

This particular implementation only allows URI templates in the UTF-8 character set.


This code is available through composer. Use ql/uri-template as the package name in your require section in the composer.json file and you'll be all set.

This is a minimal composer.json file that includes this package:

    "require": {
        "ql/uri-template": "1.*"


use QL\UriTemplate\UriTemplate;

$tpl = '/authenticate/{username}{?password}';
$tpl = new UriTemplate($tpl);

$url = $tpl->expand([
    'username' => 'mnagi',
    'password' => 'hunter2',

echo $url; // outputs "/authenticate/mnagi?password=hunter2"

Note that the above example throws exceptions for an invalid template or an invalid set of variables. Some applications may expect malformed URI templates and wish to deal with them in a more graceful way. In this case it is recommended you use the Expander class directly.

use QL\UriTemplate\Expander;

$tpl = '/authenticate/{username}{?password}';
$exp = new Expander;

$url = $exp($tpl, ['username' => 'mnagi', 'password' => 'hunter2' ]);

echo $url; // outputs "/authenticate/mnagi?password=hunter2"

Handling Errors

The difference between the two (other than how they are invoked) is when there are errors of some kind:

use QL\UriTemplate\Expander;
use QL\UriTemplate\UriTemplate;
use QL\UriTemplate\Exception;

$badTpl = '/foo{ba';
$expander = new Expander;

// error with template in Expander
$expander($badTpl, []);
echo $expander->lastError() . "\n"; // "Unclosed expression at offset 4: /foo{ba"

// error with template in UriTemplate
try {
    $tpl = new UriTemplate($badTpl);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; // outputs "Unclosed expression at offset 4: /foo{ba"

// error with variables in template
$expander('/foo/{bar}', ['bar' => new stdClass]);
echo $expander->lastError() . "\n"; // "Objects without a __toString() method are not allowed as variable values."

// error with variables in UriTemplate
$tpl = new UriTemplate('/foo/{bar}');
$tpl->expand(['bar' => STDIN]); // this will throw an exception with message "Resources are not allowed as variable values."


The Expander class's invoke method allows an array of options to be passed in to it. Right now the only option available is the ability to preserve template variables if the calling code hasn't passed all of them in.

Take the following URI Template and set of variables:

Template:  /events{?product,date,days,seats,before,at,after}
Variables: { "product": 10, "days": 20 }

"preserveTpl" set to false: /events?product=10&days=20
"preserveTpl" set to true:  /events?product=10&days=20{&date,seats,before,at,after}

A full code example of turning preserveTpl on:

use QL\UriTemplate\Expander;

$tpl = '/events{?product,date,days,seats,before,at,after}';
$vars = ['product' => 10, 'days' => 20];
$expander = new Expander;
$result = $expander($tpl, $vars, ['preserveTpl' => true]);
echo $result . "\n";


This package requires PHP 5.4+, the ctype extension and the mbstring extension. Additionally, it only allows for UTF-8 templates (though this could be changed in the future).

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "QuickenLoans Uri Template" Project. README Source: QuickenLoans/uri-template
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 years ago

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