Python Zstandard Versions Save

Python bindings to the Zstandard (zstd) compression library


7 months ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • Support for Python 3.6 has been dropped. Python 3.7 is the minimum supported Python version.


  • Bundled zstd library upgraded from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5.
  • PyO3 Rust crate upgraded from 0.15 to 0.18.
  • CI environment changed from Ubuntu 20.04 -> 22.04, Windows 2019 -> 2022, macOS 11 -> macOS 12.
  • C types now use PyType_Spec and corresponding APIs. (#187) Contributed by Mike Hommey.


7 months ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • ZstdDecompressor.decompressobj() will change read_across_frames to default to True in a future release. If you depend on the current functionality of stopping at frame boundaries, start explicitly passing read_across_frames=False to preserve the current behavior.
  • manylinux2010 wheels are no longer published since this wheel format is no longer supported by the pypa/manylinux project.
  • Removed CI coverage for PyPy 3.7 and 3.8, which are no longer supported PyPy versions.
  • Support for Python 3.7 has been dropped because it reached end of life. Python 3.8 is the minimum supported Python version. The code should still be compatible with Python 3.7 and removing of version checks from will likely yield a working install. However, this is no officially supported.


  • ZstdDecompressor.decompressobj() now accepts a read_across_frames boolean named argument to control whether to transparently read across multiple zstd frames. It defaults to False to preserve existing behavior.
  • Added CI coverage for PyPy 3.10.
  • Added CI coverage for newer Anaconda Python versions.
  • Packages used in CI have been upgraded to latest versions. This should nominally only impact developers of this project and not end-users.
  • pyproject.toml now declares a [build-system] section saying to build with setuptools.
  • CI now builds wheels with pip instead of directly.
  • Official support for CPython 3.12. Binary wheels for 3.12 are now published during releases. There were no meaningful code changes to support Python 3.12.
  • Binary wheels for musllinux_1_1 x86_64 and aarch64 are now being built and published.


1 year ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • This will likely be the last release officially supporting Python 3.6. Python 3.6 is end of life as of 2021-12-23.


  • Bundled zstd library upgraded from 1.5.2 to 1.5.4.
  • Use of the deprecated ZSTD_copyDCtx() was removed from the C and Rust backends.


1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • The C backend implementation of ZstdDecompressionObj.decompress() could have raised an assertion in cases where the function was called multiple times on an instance. In non-debug builds, calls to this method could have leaked memory.


  • PyPy 3.6 support dropped; Pypy 3.8 and 3.9 support added.
  • Anaconda 3.6 support dropped.
  • Official support for Python 3.11. This did not require meaningful code changes and previous release(s) likely worked with 3.11 without any changes.
  • CFFI's build system now respects distutils's compiler.preprocessor if it is set. (#179)
  • The internal logic of ZstdDecompressionObj.decompress() was refactored. This may have fixed unconfirmed issues where unused_data was set prematurely. The new logic will also avoid an extra call to ZSTD_decompressStream() in some scenarios, possibly improving performance.
  • ZstdDecompressor.decompress() how has a read_across_frames keyword argument. It defaults to False. True is not yet implemented and will raise an exception if used. The new argument will default to True in a future release and is provided now so callers can start passing read_across_frames=False to preserve the existing functionality during a future upgrade.
  • ZstdDecompressor.decompress() now has an allow_extra_data keyword argument to control whether an exception is raised if input contains extra data. It defaults to True, preserving existing behavior of ignoring extra data. It will likely default to False in a future release. Callers desiring the current behavior are encouraged to explicitly pass allow_extra_data=True so behavior won't change during a future upgrade.


2 years ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • Support for Python 3.5 has been dropped. Python 3.6 is now the minimum required Python version.


  • Bundled zstd library upgraded from 1.4.8 to 1.5.0.
  • manylinux2014_aarch64 wheels are now being produced for CPython 3.6+. (#145).
  • Wheels are now being produced for CPython 3.10.
  • Arguments to ZstdCompressor() and ZstdDecompressor() are now all optional in the C backend and an explicit None value is accepted. Before, the C backend wouldn't accept an explicit None value (but the CFFI backend would). The new behavior should be consistent between the backends. (#153)


3 years ago

0.15.2 (released 2021-02-27)

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • ZstdCompressor.multi_compress_to_buffer() and ZstdDecompressor.multi_decompress_to_buffer() are no longer available when linking against a system zstd library. These experimental features are only available when building against the bundled single file zstd C source file distribution. (#106)


  • now recognizes a ZSTD_EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS environment variable to specify additional compiler arguments to use when compiling the C backend.
  • PyPy build and test coverage has been added to CI.
  • Added CI jobs for building against external zstd library.
  • Wheels supporting macOS ARM/M1 devices are now being produced.
  • References to Python 2 have been removed from the in-repo Debian packaging code.
  • Significant work has been made on a Rust backend. It is currently feature complete but not yet optimized. We are not yet shipping the backend as part of the distributed wheels until it is more mature.
  • The .pyi type annotations file has replaced various default argument values with ....


3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • no longer attempts to build the C backend on PyPy. (#130)
  • <sys/types.h> is now included before <sys/sysctl.h>. This was the case in releases prior to 0.15.0 and the include order was reversed as part of running clang-format. The old/working order has been restored. (#128)
  • Include some private zstd C headers so we can build the C extension against a system library. The previous behavior of referencing these headers is restored. That behave is rather questionable and undermines the desire to use the system zstd.


3 years ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • Support for Python 2.7 has been dropped. Python 3.5 is now the minimum required Python version. (#109)
  • train_dictionary() now uses the fastcover training mechanism (as opposed to cover). Some parameter values that worked with the old mechanism may not work with the new one. e.g. d must be 6 or 8 if it is defined.
  • train_dictionary() now always calls ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover() instead of different APIs depending on which arguments were passed.
  • The names of various Python modules have been changed. The C extension is now built as zstandard.backend_c instead of zstd. The CFFI extension module is now built as zstandard._cffi instead of _zstd_cffi. The CFFI backend is now zstandard.backend_cffi instead of zstandard.cffi.
  • ZstdDecompressionReader.seekable() now returns False instead of True because not all seek operations are supported and some Python code in the wild keys off this value to determine if seek() can be called for all scenarios.
  • now raises OSError instead of ValueError when the seek cannot be fulfilled. (#107)
  • ZstdDecompressionReader.readline() and ZstdDecompressionReader.readlines() now accept an integer argument. This makes them conform with the IO interface. The methods still raise io.UnsupportedOperation.
  • ZstdCompressionReader.__enter__ and ZstdDecompressionReader.__enter__ now raise ValueError if the instance was already closed.
  • The deprecated overlap_size_log attribute on ZstdCompressionParameters instances has been removed. The overlap_log attribute should be used instead.
  • The deprecated overlap_size_log argument to ZstdCompressionParameters has been removed. The overlap_log argument should be used instead.
  • The deprecated ldm_hash_every_log attribute on ZstdCompressionParameters instances has been removed. The ldm_hash_rate_log attribute should be used instead.
  • The deprecated ldm_hash_every_log argument to ZstdCompressionParameters has been removed. The ldm_hash_rate_log argument should be used instead.
  • The deprecated CompressionParameters type alias to ZstdCompressionParamaters has been removed. Use ZstdCompressionParameters.
  • The deprecated aliases ZstdCompressor.read_from() and ZstdDecompressor.read_from() have been removed. Use the corresponding read_to_iter() methods instead.
  • The deprecated aliases ZstdCompressor.write_to() and ZstdDecompressor.write_to() have been removed. Use the corresponding stream_writer() methods instead.
  • ZstdCompressor.copy_stream(), ZstdCompressorIterator.__next__(), and ZstdDecompressor.copy_stream() now raise the original exception on error calling the source stream's read() instead of raising ZstdError. This only affects the C backend.
  • ZstdDecompressionObj.flush() now returns bytes instead of None. This makes it behave more similarly to flush() methods for similar types in the Python standard library. (#78)
  • ZstdCompressionWriter.__exit__() now always calls close(). Previously, close() would not be called if the context manager raised an exception. The old behavior was inconsistent with other stream types in this package and with the behavior of Python's standard library IO types. (#86)
  • Distribution metadata no longer lists cffi as an install_requires except when running on PyPy. Instead, cffi is listed as an extras_require.
  • ZstdCompressor.stream_reader() and ZstdDecompressor.stream_reader() now default to closing the source stream when the instance is itself closed. To change this behavior, pass closefd=False. (#76)
  • The CFFI backend now defines ZstdCompressor.multi_compress_to_buffer() and ZstdDecompressor.multi_decompress_to_buffer(). However, they raise NotImplementedError, as they are not yet implemented.
  • The CFFI backend now exposes the types ZstdCompressionChunker, ZstdCompressionObj, ZstdCompressionReader, ZstdCompressionWriter, ZstdDecompressionObj, ZstdDecompressionReader, and ZstdDecompressionWriter as symbols on the zstandard module.
  • The CFFI backend now exposes the types BufferSegment, BufferSegments, BufferWithSegments, and BufferWithSegmentsCollection. However, they are not implemented.
  • ZstdCompressionWriter.flush() now calls flush() on the inner stream if such a method exists. However, when close() itself calls self.flush(), flush() is not called on the inner stream.
  • ZstdDecompressionWriter.close() no longer calls flush() on the inner stream. However, ZstdDecompressionWriter.flush() still calls flush() on the inner stream.
  • ZstdCompressor.stream_writer() and ZstdDecompressor.stream_writer() now have their write_return_read argument default to True. This brings the behavior of write() in compliance with the io.RawIOBase interface by default. The argument may be removed in a future release.
  • ZstdCompressionParameters no longer exposes a compression_strategy property. Its constructor no longer accepts a compression_strategy argument. Use the strategy property/argument instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a memory leak in stream_reader decompressor when reader is closed before reading everything. (Patch by Pierre Fersing.)
  • The C backend now properly checks for errors after calling IO methods on inner streams in various methods. ZstdCompressionWriter.write() now catches exceptions when calling the inner stream's write(). ZstdCompressionWriter.flush() on inner stream's write(). ZstdCompressor.copy_stream() on dest stream's write(). ZstdDecompressionWriter.write() on inner stream's write(). ZstdDecompressor.copy_stream() on dest stream's write(). (#102)


  • Bundled zstandard library upgraded from 1.4.5 to 1.4.8.
  • The bundled zstandard library is now using the single C source file distribution. The 2 main header files are still present, as these are needed by CFFI to generate the CFFI bindings.
  • PyBuffer instances are no longer checked to be C contiguous and have a single dimension. The former was redundant with what PyArg_ParseTuple() already did and the latter is not necessary in practice because very few extension modules create buffers with more than 1 dimension. (#124)
  • Added Python typing stub file for the zstandard module. (#120)
  • The script should now respect the CC environment variable for locating the compiler. (#103)
  • CI now properly uses the cffi backend when running all tests.
  • train_dictionary() has been rewritten to use the fastcover APIs and to consistently call ZDICT_optimizeTrainFromBuffer_fastCover() instead of different C APIs depending on what arguments were passed. The function also now accepts arguments f, split_point, and accel, which are parameters unique to fastcover.
  • CI now tests and builds wheels for Python 3.9.
  • zstd.c file renamed to c-ext/backend_c.c.
  • All built/installed Python modules are now in the zstandard package. Previously, there were modules in other packages. (#115)
  • C source code is now automatically formatted with clang-format.
  • ZstdCompressor.stream_writer(), ZstdCompressor.stream_reader(), ZstdDecompressor.stream_writer(), and ZstdDecompressor.stream_reader() now accept a closefd argument to control whether the underlying stream should be closed when the ZstdCompressionWriter, ZstdCompressReader, ZstdDecompressionWriter, or ZstdDecompressionReader is closed. (#76)
  • There is now a function for returning a file object with zstd (de)compression. (#64)
  • The zstandard module now exposes a backend_features attribute containing a set of strings denoting optional features present in that backend. This can be used to sniff feature support by performing a string lookup instead of sniffing for API presence or behavior.
  • Python docstrings have been moved from the C backend to the CFFI backend. Sphinx docs have been updated to generate API documentation via the CFFI backend. Documentation for Python APIs is now fully defined via Python docstrings instead of spread across Sphinx ReST files and source code.
  • ZstdCompressionParameters now exposes a strategy property.
  • There are now compress() and decompress() convenience functions on the zstandard module. These are simply wrappers around the corresponding APIs on ZstdCompressor and ZstdDecompressor.


3 years ago

This release should contain no functional changes compared to 0.14.0. The only expected difference with this version is Python 3.9 wheels are now being produced.


4 years ago

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  • This will likely be the final version supporting Python 2.7. Future releases will likely only work on Python 3.5+. See #109 for more context.
  • There is a significant possibility that future versions will use Rust - instead of C - for compiled code. See #110 for more context.

Bug Fixes

  • Some internal fields of C structs are now explicitly initialized. (Possible fix for #105.)
  • The script used to build the CFFI bindings now calls distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler() so compiler customizations (such as honoring the CC environment variable) are performed. Patch by @Arfrever. (#103)
  • The script now sets LC_ALL=C when invoking the preprocessor in an attempt to normalize output to ASCII. (#95)
