Python Datemath Versions Save

A python module to emulate the date math used in SOLR and Elasticsearch


3 years ago

1.5.5 (2021-04-26)

  • [FIX] Issue #28
    • datemath() object now returns the expected datetime object instead of an Arrow object
    • added tests to catch invalid object types of helpers


3 years ago

v1.5.4 to resolve name conflict in pypi. This has all the changes up to 1.5.3 and is essentially a noop release to get 1.5.3 out


3 years ago

1.5.3 (2021-04-16)

  • [FIX] Issue #25 - Fixed an issue where if you provided an invalid timestamp, i.e. datemath('2') you would not get an DateMathException back. Also bumped dependencies.