Pyclickup Versions Save

a python library for accessing the ClickUp api


4 years ago

Thanks to @bastbnl (#10), we now have support for overriding the User-Agent for this library!


5 years ago

In this release, I've added a naive implementation helper method to get certain objects by their ID.

Hopefully when their v2 of the API is released, these can be remapped to the right API calls!

This also adds some type annotations for the model methods like List.create_task and Task.update.


5 years ago

This release should resolve

The add_assignees and remove_assignees parameters are now correctly documented as Lists of int/Users instead of just int/User, and the list is defaulted to an empty list if nothing is passed to the function.

Thanks @y-aok for bringing up this issue!


5 years ago

This adds basic task creation to the List class so that you can make tasks programmatically!

Related to issue by @Sergprotector

Using a ClickUp List object, you can provide a few different options to customize the new task. The method will return the id of the new task you created; however, if you'd like that task's object, you'll have to re-query the List for it, as currently ClickUp does not have an API method to fetch a single task by id.

The API endpoint this is based on can be found here.


5 years ago

Thanks again @y-aok !


5 years ago

Thanks @y-aok!

This solves the issues on pip install if you don't already have requests installed.


5 years ago

Adding a ton of type annotations to the client module


5 years ago

This cleans up the travis builder so that on deployments it doesn't show up as failing. It also cleans up some of the magic locals() usage


5 years ago

Switching readme to rst so I don't have to deal with any issues related to converting that on deploy


5 years ago

This release updates some of the readme related stuff for PyPi!