Purescript Python Save

A Python backend for PureScript.

Project README

PureScript to Python Compiler

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Get Started

  1. *Install a CPython distribution.

    If you're already a user of CPython, you can skip this step.

    Otherwise, go to this official download page, download and install any valid distribution(>=3.5, <=3.8).

  2. Install nodejs, which is distributed with a command npm, and use npm to install purescript and its package manager spago. The latest version of the purescript compiler that is supported is 0.13.8:

    npm install -g purescript
    npm install -g spago

    You might check PureScript: Getting Started for more details.

  3. Install PureScript-Python components:

    curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/purescript-python/installer/master/install.sh | bash

  4. Create an empty folder called hello-world somewhere appropriate,get in, and call

    spago init  # init purescript project
    pspy --init # init purescript-python local configuration
  5. Add a key backend with value "pspy", to file spago.dhall of your hello-world project. This is an example:

     Welcome to a Spago project!
     You can edit this file as you like.
     { name = "my-project"
     , dependencies = [ "console", "effect", "psci-support" ]
     , packages = ./packages.dhall
     , sources = [ "src/**/*.purs", "test/**/*.purs" ]
     , backend = "pspy" -- !!NOTE THIS!!
  6. Write your code in src/**.purs, and use spago run to execute your project(the default entry module is Main).

PureScript Learning Materials

PureScript is close to Haskell, hence a Haskell user can pick it up in few seconds.

The home of PureScript is PureScript.org, where you can find things involving documentations.

HOW-TO: IDE Support

A major motivation for my working on PureScript is its lightweighted but awesome IDE support.

For VSCode users, installing the plugin PureScript IDE and File -> Preferences -> Settings -> (search purescript) -> Turn on "Add Spago sources" will be sufficient. No need to install some GitHub repo and build for 4 hours! And this IDE feels swift!

Troubleshoot pspy-blueprint

If pspy-blueprint provided by the Python package purescripto didn't work(e.g., users of MacOSX < 10.15), you should manually install it from this repository, and currently there're 2 options:

  1. Install from GitHub release page.
  2. Install from source(Need Haskell stack): clone this repo, and use command stack install ., which will install pspy-blueprint to your .local PATH.

For Linux users, you might also need to use chmod u+x <path/to/pspy-blueprint> to allow the permission to execute.

Troubleshoot: Execution Not Sync to Latest Code

This seems to be a recent issue produced by the upstream compiler, and you can resolve this by removing the current output directory:

rm -rf $YOUR_PROJECT_ROOT/output && spago build && pspy --run

This will produce the result of your latest code.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Purescript Python" Project. README Source: purescript-python/purescript-python
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Last Commit
2 years ago

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