Puma Ngrok Tunnel Save Abandoned

Puma plugin for starting a Ngrok Tunnel

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A plugin for puma that'll start a ngrok tunnel to your rails server when puma starts. Primary I built this to make the following a easier:

Deprecation Notice

This gem is not longer actively maintained, I suggest using theses alternatives instead:

What it does


  • Working with apps that require Webhooks to be received by the app to work correctly
  • Demoing your local rails app to someone else
  • Working with Puma-dev so your apps feels as production-like as possible
  • Testing on mobile.

I've setup a sample Rails 6 app which demos an implementation of this gem.


Adding ngrok package to your machine

Make sure you have installed ngrok on your machine:

$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew cask install ngrok

Adding the gem

I've automated these steps into an app:template which can be found on Rails Bytes. However, if you'd like to install it manually follow these steps:

  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
group :development do
  gem 'puma-ngrok-tunnel'
  1. And then execute:
$ bundle
  1. Append this line to your config/puma.rb file:
plugin :ngrok_tunnel if ENV.fetch('RAILS_ENV') { 'development' } == 'development'
  1. Lastly, update your config/environments/development.rb to include the line:
# puma-ngrok-tunnel: Allow connections from ngrok
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9.]+.ngrok.io/


Read about how to configure puma to use this in the Puma documentation.

There are a few variables this plugin reads from the environment which control its behavior. These are based on the arguments you'd pass to the ngrok terminal command.

  • PORT - Optional, your rails port, defaults to 3000. If NGROK_ADDR is set, this is ignored.
  • NGROK_ADDR - Optional, if you're using Puma-dev set this to be your hostname & port, e.g. my-app-name.test:443.
  • NGROK_AUTHTOKEN - Optional, your ngrok authtoken. If you have ngrok configured on your local machine you don't need this.
  • NGROK_HOST_HEADER - Optional, if you're using Puma-dev you should set this to your virtual host e.g. my-app-name.test.
  • NGROK_CONFIG - Optional, your ngrok configuration file location, defaults to ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml.
  • NGROK_SUBDOMAIN - Optional, ngrok will assign you a random subdomain unless this is set.
  • NGROK_REGION - Optional, the region of your ngrok tunnel. The default is us.
  • NGROK_HOSTNAME - Optional, full ngrok hostname, shouldn't be set if NGROK_SUBDOMAIN is set.

Sample .env for use with rails s

# puma-ngrok-tunnel setup
# You need https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv setup to make sure Puma can use these.
export NGROK_SUBDOMAIN=my-app-name
export NGROK_REGION=eu

Sample .env for use with Puma-dev

# Puma-dev: You need to define this otherwise it uses it's own puma.rb file.

# puma-ngrok-tunnel setup
# These should start with 'export' otherwise puma-dev won't use them.
export NGROK_SUBDOMAIN=my-app-name
export NGROK_REGION=eu
# The URL (and HTTPS Port) you might use to access this under Puma-dev
export NGROK_ADDR=my-app-name.test:443
export NGROK_HOST_HEADER=my-app-name.test

Pitfalls & solutions

The ngrok tunnel not always stopping when puma-dev stops

If you see an error saying http: proxy error: dial unix, it means ngrok was able to stop when puma was stopped. Right now the solution is to run:

pkill ngrok

in your terminal.

Rails 6 "Blocked host" error

If you seeing an error like:

Blocked host: a620ba29.ngrok.io

To allow requests to a620ba29.ngrok.io, add the following to your environment configuration:

config.hosts << "a620ba29.ngrok.io"

Open your config/environments/development.rb file add add:

# Safelist ngrok connections to development environment.
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.ngrok\.io/
# Safelist Puma-Dev hostname.
config.hosts << 'samplerailsapp.test'
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9]+\.samplerailsapp.test/

This will safe-list the ngrok subdomain to access your rails host.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Puma Ngrok Tunnel" Project. README Source: MikeRogers0/puma-ngrok-tunnel
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 years ago

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