Progressively Versions Save

A JavaScript library to load images progressively 🌇


6 years ago


6 years ago

From this version, progressively will now be able to work with background images too. Just add the classes .progressive__bg and .progressive--not-loaded. More information in the docs.


7 years ago

In previous versions, image only get loaded when the whole image (and not only some part of it) was visible in the viewport. This was not great in terms of UX as the user would have to wait for image to load if the connection is too slow. Now, the updated rendering logic loads the image as soon as it appears in the viewport.

Also, I'd like to thank @thiamsantos for his help in maintaining the library!


7 years ago

Improved progressively's responsiveness issues. The library now supports images that are responsive by default. For having fixed sized image containers, it would be better to specify the width and height of the figure element or wrap it inside a fixed sized container.

Also, kudos to awesome users of this library for being active to participate in the development process and frequently raising issues 🙌


7 years ago

v1.0.0 was updated few months earlier, however it was left unreleased. This version comes with patch for improved browsers (mainly edge).

Soon, a major release will be added to the project which will aim to improve cross browser support. A new syntax is to be expected and the library might be using svg for the purpose.