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Software Activity Metering - Probes Open API

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##Probes Open API

###API Instrumentation There are a number reasons why you would consider calling the Probes Open API directly from your application code.

  • You wish to have complete control over which packages, classes and methods that are instrumented.
  • You don’t want to incur any overhead at startup using a bytecode instrumentation (BCI) agent.
  • You already have existing hooks built into your application code base to insert this instrumentation more efficiently.
  • You would like to give probes names that reflect more of the context of the execution.
  • You need to instrument particular code blocks in a large method. Most BCI agents don’t offer this granularity.

Finally, you can use the Open API to create software that is self-aware, able to self-reflect on its own execution behavior at various levels and phases in its processing, even if the actual instrumentation is performed by a BCI agent.

###API Style The Open API has a single class, Probes, that contains a number of enclosed interfaces such as Context, Probe, Meter, Name, and Reading. This is done to allow us to bootstrap the metering runtime off the static initialization of the Probes class. It also helps avoid name collisions in manually instrumenting existing code. Many code bases would have a Name class but how many would have Probes.Name? Without this, the complete package, org.jinspired.probes, would have to be listed alongside the class name in any field or variable declaration.

The API style also makes it incredibly simple to switch in an alternative implementation via a service provider interface (SPI). It also gives a third party vendor the ultimate flexibility in its implementation, which can be tailored to a specific runtime, environment or platform.

###API Introduction Before exploring the Open API lets look at how instrumentation is typically coded today in measuring the performance of method named a within a class named A.

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(A.class);
  long start = System.nanoTime();
  try {
  } finally {
    logger.log(Level.INFO, "A.a took [{0}] ns to execute", System.nanoTime() - start);

Unfortunately the above does not write a log record until after the method has completed. This can be addressed with trace methods.

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(A.class);
  LOGGER.entering("A", "a");
  long start = System.nanoTime();
  try {
  } finally {
    LOGGER.exiting("A", "a", System.nanoTime() - start);

Now lets look at how this is performed using the Probes Open API.

private static final Probes.Name NAME ="a");
  Probes.Probe p = Probes.begin(NAME);
  try {
  } finally {

With a wildcard static import on the Probes class the code looks like.

private static final Name NAME = name(A.class).name("a");
  Probe p = begin(NAME);
  try {
  } finally {

The biggest and the most important difference in the approach taken by the Probes Open API is that the developer coding the instrumentation does not specify how the probe is measured (metered). The probe could be measured with clock time, cpu time or some other resource related measure. It can employ one measure, many measures, or none at all. The point is that such measurement decisions should not be hardwired into code. The developer should only be responsible for the naming and demarcation of the code block that needs to measured, even controlled, by those responsible for monitoring and managing its execution in production.

The Probes Open API is designed to be always on whereas the above Logger calls only ever involves the creation of records when the logging level has been set to FINER or lower. Once the appropriate Level is set in the Logging API (or its configuration file) the performance impact of such calls is significant which seems the worst possible result considering these would be turned on to find a problem not introduce one.

The benefit of this approach includes not just the reduction in boilerplate code, in not calling System.nanoTime() from multiple places, but cost (overhead) management as the underlying measurement engine can dynamically decide to not perform whatever measurement is configured based on the name of the probe, its past measurement, the current execution context or some other environment-related state attribute.

There are three main activities performed by a performance monitoring solution – instrumentation, measurement, and collection. With the Probes Open API approach, we allow for the last two of these to be optional and dynamic. The underlying implementation of the Probes Open API could perform the logger calls itself based on some measurement threshold. This is a concern for another person, role or time.

It is still possible to inspect what has been measured at the begin() and end() call points following completion of the probe.

Iterator<Reading> rs = p.readings();
  while(rs.hasNext()) {
    Reading r =;
    r.getName(); // the name of the measure
    r.getLow(); // the begin measurement
    r.getHigh(); // the end measurement
    r.getDelta(); // high - low

###API Concepts – Basic In short, a Probe is created, with a specified Name, by a Context that is tied to a particular thread and its lifetime. The Probe reads one or more Meter measures at both the begin() and end() call points. The measures are maintained in a Reading object, one of for each Meter.

What transpires within the metering runtime in the course of firing a probe depends on the underlying implementation and its configuration. We simplify the instrumentation interface and allow for all the power and dynamism of the monitoring and management to be pushed down into the metering runtime and deferred until runtime.

#####Context For every thread in the runtime that calls into the Open API, a Context is created and remains associated with the thread for its entire lifetime in the process. The Context is used to create a Probe. The Probes.begin(Name) method is an utility method that simply delegates to the Context by calling context().begin(Name).

#####Probe The Probe interface represents the interval based measurement instrument in an application’s code base. It reads the measure for a meter when the begin() method is called and reads it again when the end() method is called. What it does with the delta between these two call points depends entirely on the metering extensions enabled within the underlying metering runtime. Some extensions will use the data to create value distributions for the delta, others will record it (or log it) and some will use the interception call backs at these points to temporarily take control of the thread execution.

#####Meter The Meter interface represents a resource measure that is read when Probe.begin() and Probe.end() are called. The actual underlying measure, which is generally specific to a thread, is not exposed in the interface.

The Context.meters() method can be used to iterate over each Meter included in the readings performed for a specific Context.

All implementations should support a wall clock time meter named clock.time. The resolution of the clock.time meter should be microseconds. Optionally implementors can offer a nanosecond time resolution meter named clock.tick.

#####Reading The Reading interface represents a measurement of a Meter for a Probe at both Probe.begin() and Probe.end() call points. The getHigh() method returns the most recent measurement. The getLow() method returns the previous measurement.

The Probe.readings() method returns an immutable Iterator<Reading> for inspection purposes.

The getName() method returns the same Name instance that the corresponding Meter returns in its getName() method.

#####Name A Name is an ordered composite of string values. Calling Probes.parse("A.a") will return a Name with a value of "a" and a Name prefix, obtained calling getPrefix(), with a value of "A".

For performance reasons Name instances are interned, which means reference equality is applicable in the case of Probes.parse("A.a") =="A").name("a").

Whilst the Probes class offers utility methods to create Name instances from Class or Method parameters the names do not hold any reference to such code metadata. A benefit of this is that we can playback a metering recording by calling the Open API with the same name values used by the real application but without the class being actually present.

A Name can represent a Java package, Java class, Java method, Ruby module, Ruby class, Ruby call-site, a SQL statement, an HTTP URL and so on. The metering engine can be used to replay events from other languages and runtimes recorded in a log file. It could also be used to simulate behavior with a Probe representing an activity and a Meter a resource and a Context an actor, process or workflow lane.

#####Label A Label is a classification that can be associated with one or more Name instances. It is used by the underlying metering runtime and its extensions to expose metadata associated with a Name during the course of the process execution. For example when a Name is created from a Class a Label with the string value "class" is associated with the particular Name instance. When the hotspot metering extension deems a probe as a performance hotspot it will associate a Label having a string value of "hotspot" with the Probe.

You can use the labels() method in the Name interface, which returns an Iterator<Label>, to inspect the associations made by the metering runtime.

The Open API does not offer the means to list all possible Label instances but you can look up a known Label by its string value and then check whether a particular Name instance has such a classification using the Name.contains(Label) method.

The Open API does not support the creation of a Label or the association of a Label with a Name.

All implementations should support the following labels.

  • java – a Name created from a Class reference
  • class – a Name created from a Class reference
  • disabled – a Name disabled for all future measurement
  • probe – a fully qualified Name used by a Probe

#####Environment The Environment interface provides a means to share contextual data, scoped to the current thread and possibly individual frames on its probe stack, with extensions enabled in the metering runtime as well as with other probes on the stack. An Environment object is obtained by calling Probes.context().getEnvironment().

For primitive and intrinsic data types there are pairs of getXXX(Name) and setXXX(Name,XXX) methods. There is also a `getXXX(Name,XXX) that allows the specification of a default value to be returned.

The use of the Name interface as a property key, with its ordered sequence of string value parts, allows the Environment to be used as a registry in that we can check whether a named property has been set by checking whether one of its Name prefixes exist within the Environment using the `contains(Name) method.

The Environment does not support the adding of Object values other than String and Name but using the registry like interface you can create sub-trees that represent more complex data structures and then use the remove(Name) on the root Name of the object to clear all child property values.

Note: The Autoletics implementation of the Open API for the JVM uses a global Environment instance that is not directly accessible from the Open API but that is used by thread local Environment instances when a value is not found within its own scope. Values are added to this global instance by an administrator via a configuration file in our case that file is jxinsight.override.config.

#####Counter The Counter interface represents a resource counter that may be mapped, via some external configuration, by a metering runtime implementation to a Meter and then have its getValue() method called when a firing Probe is metered. A Counter is specific to a thread Context. To retrieve a Counter from a Context use the counter(Name) method which will automatically create the Counter if it has not already being created previously. A Counter is an incrementing only value - a requirement for any measure mapped to a meter.

// hold a static constant reference to the name of the counter to be updated
static final Probes.Name COUNTER =;

// increment by 1

// increment by x

###API Concepts – Advance The Open API serves two primary use cases. The first is to expose the software execution behavior, contextual and/or code based, to other systems which can monitor and manage the application more effectively than the actual language/platform runtime itself.

The second use case is to allow the application itself to self reflect on its own execution behavior. Java and many other languages especially dynamic allow state and type reflection but none behavior. Self reflection is achieved through a call combination of Context.savepoint() and that generates a set of measured changes between two thread execution points

Here is a code snippet demonstrating the use of all interfaces supporting this behavioral form of self reflection.

Probes.Context ctx = Probes.context();

Probes.SavePoint sp = ctx.savepoint();
// execute some activity we wish to self reflect on
Probes.ChangeSet cset =;

// we can now inspect the behavior that occurred between the savepoint() and compare() methods
Iterator<Probes.ChangePoint> cps = cset.changepoints();
while(cps.hasNext()) {

 ChangePoint cp =;
 Probes.Name pn = cp.getName(); // name of probe

 Iterator<Change> cs = cp.changes();
 while(cs.hasNext()) {

   Probes.Change c =;
   Probes.Name mn = cs.getName(); // name of meter
   c.getCount(); // how many meter measures aggregated


#####SavePoint The SavePoint interface represents an opaque snapshot of the current threads measurement data. It is created by calling Context.savepoint(). It is also possible to reuse a SavePoint instance, created by the same thread, by passing it in as a parameter to the method Context.savepoint(SavePoint) which returns either the SavePoint updated or a new SavePoint. Implementations are free to trade performance with possible increased safety in such cases.

#####ChangeSet The ChangeSet interface represents a set of ChangePoint instances and Change instances generated from a delta analysis of a SavePoint with the current measurement data for a thread. A ChangeSet is returned from the method call.

#####ChangePoint A ChangePoint represents a Probe, actually the Name of a Probe, that has been measured and its measurement data updated between two execution points. The name of the Probe is the value returned by the ChangePoint.getName() method.

#####Change Where a ChangePoint represents a Probe a Change represents a Reading or the measurement that has occurred for a particular Probe and Meter pair. The name of the Meter is the value returned by the Change.getName() method.

###API Contract Probably the most important contractual obligation, especially for portability across different implementations, is that there is no leakage or corruption of the probe stack by not calling Probe.end() for a Probe that has had Probe.begin() called.

Both probe call stack and measurement data corruption can occur when there is an overlapping of Probe.begin() and Probe.end() calls within a thread. Whilst nesting of Probe.begin() and Probe.end() calls is fully supported (and expected), both pairs of calls should be performed within the same possible outer (caller) probing scope.

Note: Autoletics offers metering extensions that can help detect such violations in test and mitigate them in production if need be, though we recommend catching this before delivery to ensure the maximum possible performance especially in high frequency trading and online gaming environments.

The following call sequences violate the Open API client contract.

Probes.Probe p = Probes.begin(...);
p = Probes.begin(NAME);

Probes.Probe p = Probes.begin(...);

Probes.Probe outer = Probes.begin(...);
Probes.Probe inner = Probes.begin(...);

To ensure that for every Probe.begin() call there is a corresponding Probe.end() call you should employ a try-finally clause.

final Probes.Probe p = Probes.begin(...);
try {
} finally {

None of the interfaces should be implemented by the application. Instances of the interfaces passed back into the API should be the same implementation that was returned from the API. Implementations of the SPI and API should be able to assume that a Name reference passed in is of the same implementation type that is returned from one of the methods.

####API Optimizations When invoking multiple times the utility methods in the Probes class within a specific code block it is more efficient to instead look up the Context once using the Probes.context() and then call the corresponding methods on this thread (local) specific instance.

Consider caching Name references in static fields instead of recreating them repeatedly during execution. Because Name instances are interned equality is referenced based.

###API Openness Many open source libraries and frameworks claim to be open when in fact it is practically impossible to replace wholesale the implementation with another third-party implementation. Openness here is largely in terms of access to source code and it’s licensing and has nothing to do with the design of the framework or library itself. In the design of the Probes Open API, we make it incredibly easy to replace one implementation with another by having a service provider interface (SPI) used by the Probes class – the entry point into the library. This is also helped by the fact that we have only one single class, Probes, in the library used to bootstrap the appropriate implementation with everything else being an interface.

Whilst an open source license increases the likelihood of collaboration an Open API, as defined largely by an SPI, increases the chance of multiple competing implementations. An open source license improves a single implementation with baked-in engineering trade-offs. An Open API improves many implementations, allowing each to make a different set of engineering trade-offs. An Open API offers greater choice and vendor independence. Both forms of “open” are not necessarily incompatible but they are not the same.

###API SPI The Open API provides the means to delegate calls to an alternative implementation via an Open SPI. Whilst our implementation is currently the default implementation chosen at runtime we plan to offer a barebones open source reference implementation under the org.jinspired.probes.impl.* namespace.

To use an alternative implementation the system property, org.jinspired.probes.spi.factory, must be set to the fully qualified name of a class implementing org.jinspired.probes.spi.ProbesProviderFactory, before the Probes class is initialized. Ideally, this should be done on the command line with -Dorg.jinspired.probes.spi.factory=.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Probes Api" Project. README Source: autoletics/probes-api
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