Pokemon Cards Css Save

A collection of advanced CSS styles to create realistic-looking effects for the faces of Pokemon cards.

Project README

Pokémon Cards Holographic effect in CSS

This is a repository holder for the Pokemon Cards CSS Holographic effect.

🔥 As seen on css-tricks.com and codepen
🌟 Demo running @ https://poke-holo.simey.me/

A collection of advanced CSS styles, applied with SvelteJS.

Uses CSS Transforms, Gradients, Blend-modes and Filters to simulate the various Holofoil effects found in the Sword and Shield era of Pokemon Trading Cards.

support / tip

If you think this is super cool, or useful, and want to donate a little, then you are also super cool!

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£5 Five Pounds tip £5 tip
£10 Ten Pounds tip £10 tip


- Galaxy Holo from aschefield101
- Some backgrounds from Vecteezy

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Pokemon Cards Css" Project. README Source: simeydotme/pokemon-cards-css
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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