Platformio Arduino Rust Save

Arduino Framework bindings for Rust using PlatformIO

Project README

I've unarchived the repo to enable the issues for further discussion :). The projects is still in a broken state and I don't see that changing

PlatformIO Arduino Rust bindings

This project serves as boilerplate for using the Arduino Framework (this has nothing to do with the AVR based hardware, the IDE or the company) with Rust.

It basically generates bindings of the Arduino library (or any other platformIO library) in Rust code. Then the generated Rust object is linked against those libraries using the script.

You can write regular Arduino code with setup, loop, pinMode n' shit in Rust!


This is kinda a proof of concept so it has limitations.

First of all, I'm targeting the nrf52832 MCU. There's no particular reason that I picked this MCU, other than:

  1. Rust supports this architecture (Cortex-M4F) - even Tier 2 is good enough
  2. PlatformIO supports this MCU (nrf52832)
  3. I had a board lying around

Note that while Rust needs to support just the architecture to generate a correct binary, PlatformIO is used as a HAL and needs to know the specific MCU (memory map, memory regions, interrupts, etc.)

It's not that hard to target another MCU, changing the target in platformio.ini and the header path on should be enough.

Also I'm just generating bindings for Arduino.h. Also not hard to change, just add the header on env.Execute command.

Of course Rust is compiled with no_std - don't expect to build a Rust binary for embedded target with std any time soon (if ever)...


You will need to install:

rustup target install thumbv7em-none-eabi
rustup toolchain install nightly  # Using features requires nightly
platformio run
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Platformio Arduino Rust" Project. README Source: dzervas/platformio-arduino-rust
Open Issues
Last Commit
3 years ago

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