PHP Parser Versions Save

A PHP parser written in PHP


1 month ago


  • Fixed "Optional parameter before required parameter" deprecation warning introduced in previous version.


1 month ago


  • Do not use implicitly nullable parameters, which are deprecated in PHP 8.4.
  • Remove support for running on PHP 7.0, which does not support explicitly nullable parameters.


1 month ago


  • Fix handling of indentation on next line after opening PHP tag in formatting-preserving pretty printer.


  • Avoid cyclic references in Parser objects. This means that no longer used parser objects are immediately destroyed now, instead of requiring cycle GC.
  • Update PhpVersion::getNewestSupported() to report PHP 8.3 instead of PHP 8.2.


2 months ago


  • Added check to detect use of PHP-Parser with libraries that define T_* compatibility tokens with incorrect type (such as string instead of int). This would lead to TypeErrors down the line. Now an Error will be thrown early to indicate the problem.


3 months ago

See the upgrading guide for detailed migration instructions. The changelog is relative to PHP-Parser 4.18.0.


  • Added PhpVersion class, which is accepted in a number of places (e.g. ParserFactory, Parser, Lexer, PrettyPrinter) and gives more precise control over the PHP version being targeted.
  • Added PHP 8 parser though it only differs from the PHP 7 parser in concatenation precedence.
  • Added Parser::getTokens() method.
  • Added a Modifiers class, as a replacement for Stmt\Class_::MODIFIER_*.
  • Added support for returning an array or REMOVE_NODE from NodeVisitor::enterNode().
  • Added many additional type annotations. PhpStan is now used.
  • Added a fuzzing target for PHP-Fuzzer, which was how a lot of pretty printer bugs were found.
  • Added isPromoted(), isPublic(), isProtected(), isPrivate() and isReadonly() methods on Param.
  • Added support for class constants in trait builder.
  • Added PrettyPrinter interface.
  • Added support for formatting preservation when toggling static modifiers.
  • The php-parse binary now accepts - as the file name, in which case it will read from stdin.
  • Added support for NodeVisitor::REPLACE_WITH_NULL.
  • Added support for CRLF newlines in the pretty printer, using the new newline option.
  • Visitors can now be passed directly to the NodeTraverser constructor. A separate call to addVisitor() is no longer required.
  • Added support for printing additional attributes (like kind) in NodeDumper.
  • Added rawValue attribute to InterpolatedStringPart and heredoc/nowdoc String_s, which provides the original, unparsed value. It was previously only available for non-interpolated single/double quoted strings.
  • Added Stmt\Block to represent {} code blocks. Previously, such code blocks were flattened into the parent statements array. Stmt\Block will not be created for structures that are typically used with code blocks, for example if ($x) { $y; } will be represented as previously, while if ($x) { { $x; } } will have an extra Stmt\Block wrapper.


  • PHP 7.4 is now required to run PHP-Parser.
  • Property types have been added where possible.
  • Formatting of the standard pretty printer has been adjusted to match PSR-12 more closely.
  • The internal token representation now uses a PhpParser\Token class, which is compatible with PHP 8 token representation (PhpToken).
  • Array destructuring is now always represented using Expr\List_ nodes, even if it uses [] syntax.
  • Renamed a number of node classes, and moved things that were not real expressions/statements outside the Expr/Stmt hierarchy. Compatibility shims for the old names have been retained.
  • The pretty printer no longer unconditionally wraps yield in parentheses, unless the target version is set to older than PHP 7.0.
  • The pretty printer now defaults to PHP 7.4 as the target version.
  • Print else if { } instead of else { if { } }.
  • The leaveNode() method on visitors is now invoked in reverse order of enterNode().
  • Moved NodeTraverser::REMOVE_NODE etc. to NodeVisitor::REMOVE_NODE. The old constants are still available for compatibility.
  • The Name subnode parts has been replaced by name, which stores the name as a string rather than an array of parts separated by namespace separators. The getParts() method returns the old representation.
  • No longer accept strings for types in Node constructors. Instead, either an Identifier, Name or ComplexType must be passed.
  • Comment::getReformattedText() now normalizes CRLF newlines to LF newlines.
  • The Lexer no longer accepts options. Lexer\Emulative only accepts a PhpVersion. The startLexing(), getTokens() and handleHaltCompiler() methods have been removed. Instead, there is a single method tokenize() returning the tokens.
  • Attribute handling has been moved from the lexer to the parser, and is no longer configurable. The comments, startLine, endLine, startTokenPos, endTokenPos, startFilePos, and endFilePos attributes will always be added.
  • The pretty printer now indents heredoc/nowdoc strings if the target version is >= 7.3 (flexible heredoc/nowdoc).
  • Use visitor to assign comments. This fixes the long-standing issue where comments were assigned to all nodes sharing a starting position. Now only the outer-most node will hold the comments.
  • Improve NodeDumper performance for large dumps.


  • The PHP 5 parser has been removed. The PHP 7 parser has been adjusted to deal with PHP 5 code more gracefully.
  • Removed deprecated Error constructor taking a line number instead of an attributes array.
  • The deprecated Comment::getLine(), Comment::getTokenPos() and Comment::getFilePos() methods have been removed. Use Comment::getStartLine(), Comment::getStartTokenPos() and Comment::getStartFilePos() instead.
  • Removed Stmt\Throw_ node, use Expr\Throw_ inside Stmt\Expression instead.
  • Removed ParserFactory::create().


  • The pretty printer now uses a more accurate treatment of unary operator precedence, and will only wrap them in parentheses if required. This allowed fixing a number of other precedence related bugs.
  • The pretty printer now respects the precedence of clone, throw and arrow functions.
  • Fixed formatting preservation for alternative elseif/else syntax.
  • Fixed checks for when it is safe to print strings as heredoc/nowdoc to accommodate flexible doc string semantics.
  • Fixed various cases where \r at the end of a doc string could be incorrectly merged into a CRLF sequence with a following \n.
  • __halt_compiler is no longer recognized as a semi-reserved keyword, in line with PHP behavior.
  • <?= is no longer recognized as a semi-reserved keyword.
  • Fix handling of very large overflowing \u escape sequences.
  • Don't trim leading whitespace in formatting preserving printer.
  • Treat DEL as a label character in the formatting preserving printer depending on the targeted PHP version.
  • Fix error reporting in emulative lexer without explicitly specified error handler.
  • Gracefully handle non-contiguous array indices in the Differ.


  • The Node::getLine() method has been deprecated. Use Node::getStartLine() instead.


4 months ago

See UPGRADE-5.0 for detailed migration instructions. The changelog is relative to beta 1.


  • Fixed parsing of empty files.


  • Added support for printing additional attributes (like kind) in NodeDumper.
  • Added rawValue attribute to InterpolatedStringPart and heredoc/nowdoc String_s, which provides the original, unparsed value. It was previously only available for non-interpolated single/double quoted strings.
  • Added Stmt\Block to represent {} code blocks. Previously, such code blocks were flattened into the parent statements array. Stmt\Block will not be created for structures that are typically used with code blocks, for example if ($x) { $y; } will be represented as previously, while if ($x) { { $y; } } will have an extra Stmt\Block wrapper.


  • Use visitor to assign comments. This fixes the long-standing issue where comments were assigned to all nodes sharing a starting position. Now only the outer-most node will hold the comments.
  • Don't parse unicode escape sequences when targeting PHP < 7.0.
  • Improve NodeDumper performance for large dumps.


  • Removed Stmt\Throw_ node, use Expr\Throw_ inside Stmt\Expression instead.
  • Removed ParserFactory::create().


4 months ago


  • Added methods ParserFactory::createForNewestSupportedVersion() and ParserFactory::createForHostVersion() for forward-compatibility with PHP-Parser 5.0.


  • Fixed missing name resolution of class constant types.
  • Fixed class members being dropped if an error is encountered while parsing a later class member (when error recovery is enabled).


  • The grammar/ directory has been excluded from exported git archives.


7 months ago

See UPGRADE-5.0 for detailed migration instructions. The changelog is relative to alpha 3.


  • Visitors can now be passed directly to the NodeTraverser constructor. A separate call to addVisitor() is no longer required.


  • The minimum host PHP version is now PHP 7.4. It is still possible to parse code from older versions. Property types have been added where possible.
  • The Lexer no longer accepts options. Lexer\Emulative only accepts a PhpVersion. The startLexing(), getTokens() and handleHaltCompiler() methods have been removed. Instead, there is a single method tokenize() returning the tokens.
  • The Parser::getLexer() method has been replaced by Parser::getTokens().
  • Attribute handling has been moved from the lexer to the parser, and is no longer configurable. The comments, startLine, endLine, startTokenPos, endTokenPos, startFilePos, and endFilePos attributes will always be added.
  • The pretty printer now defaults to PHP 7.4 as the target version.
  • The pretty printer now indents heredoc/nowdoc strings if the target version is >= 7.3 (flexible heredoc/nowdoc).


  • The deprecated Comment::getLine(), Comment::getTokenPos() and Comment::getFilePos() methods have been removed. Use Comment::getStartLine(), Comment::getStartTokenPos() and Comment::getStartFilePos() instead.


  • The Node::getLine() method has been deprecated. Use Node::getStartLine() instead.


8 months ago


  • Fixed phpdoc mismatches for ClassConst::$type introduced in previous release.


8 months ago


  • [PHP 8.3] Added support for typed class constants.
  • [PHP 8.3] Added supprot for dynamic class constant fetch.
  • [PHP 8.3] Added support for readonly anonymous classes.


  • Fixed missing required parentheses when pretty printing new with an expression class name.
  • Fixed missing required parentheses when pretty printing (CONST)::$x and similar.