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AskGPT: an Alfred Workflow that enables you to ask ChatGPT from anywhere while typing.

Project README


AskGPT: An Alfred Workflow - Ask ChatGPT from anywhere while typing | Product Hunt

This is an Alfred Workflow that enables you to ask ChatGPT from anywhere while typing. With this Workflow, you can activate it in any window just by typing \\gpt, and it will swiftly generate the content you desire based on your commands. It's like having a genie in a bottle that instantly fulfills your commands!

A man with his feet on the table, looking at automatically generated program code, cyberpunk

by DALL·E "A man with his feet on the table, looking at automatically generated program code, cyberpunk"

Getting Start

  • Download and install "AskGPT" from
  • Set the required Environment Variables.
    • API_KEY: the OpenAI API key that can be obtained from
    • PYTHON_ENV: the Python environment that has openai, keybord, and pyperclip installed. Note that you must use the absolute directory of Python, which can be found by which python in Terminal, for Alfred Workflow.
    • CLIPBOARD_KW: If you input the value of CLIPBOARD_KW ("clip"), it will be replaced with the clipboard content.
    • SIGNATURE: If the value is set to "1", a line like "[Generated by ChatGPT, 2023-03-26 05:22:13] " will be attached at the end of generated content.


You can access the Workflow by Alfred keyword gpt or typing \\gpt anywhere. The following are some use cases.

Let AskGPT write an email for you:


Let AskGPT write code for you:


Let AskGPT check grammar errors (from clipboard) for you:



  • v0.5 - Mar. 26, 2023
    • The first release.
    • Activate by Alfred keyword gpt.
    • Activete by typing \\gpt anywhere.
    • Access clipbord content by "clip".



This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE file for details.


This project was inspired by AnyGPT.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Phguo AskGPT" Project. README Source: phguo/AskGPT
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 year ago

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