Pfelk Docker Versions Save

Deploy pfelk with docker-compose


1 year ago


2 years ago

Incorporated default security (elastic) into the pfelk repo. Added more steps and inhibited script from doing a complete installation but it's a simple solution to getting started with OPNsense & pfSense remote logging.


2 years ago

Data Streams, native ILM support and various tidying (more efficient logging)


3 years ago

Various updates and tweaks. This release was to capture the past several months of revisions. Additionally, the file structure was amended to allow for a more seamless install (docker/host). The pipelines.yml file points to the new conf file location (/etc/pfelk/conf.d) and those wishing to add multiple pipelines (e.g. Wazuh etc..) can now amend the pipelines.yml for additionally pipelines while utilizing the default conf.d folder (doesn't conflict with pfelk).


3 years ago

v6.1 2020/12/10 -LOGSTASH

  • conf files - Made various changes for ECS conformity - Prevented default logstash template from being installed (eliminated initial setup issues) manage_template => false - Enabled ECS compatibility (v1) - Update GROK pattern aligning log output with ECS v1.7.0 - Most fields are now compliant - Fields with pf parent are not ECS supported but renamed within GROK pattern for better organization - Squid and Snort parent fields removed to align with ECS - Enriched tcp.options field parsing out values in an array vs single string - Parsed DHCP logs for independent indexing - Removed or amended 'host' field to comply with ECS


  • templates - Migrated to new index templates - Legacy templates are depreciated and likely removed with pending v8 release (Elastic) - ECS compliant template utilized/implemented - Created ILM - Roll over at 5G or 7-days - Still needs refining - Suricata template built based off of - The following alias fields were ommited - fileinfo.filename - fileinfo.size - dest_port - src_port - proto - src_ip - dest_ip - http_status - http.http_user_agent - http.http_refer - http.url - http.hostname - http.length - http.http_method - timestamp - alert.severity - alert.action - flow.bytes_toclient - flow.start - flow.pkts_toclient - flow.bytes_toserver - flow.pkts_toserver - app_proto

                    - Haproxy template was refined based off of
                      - Still needs testing and finalization (note: grok pattern was primary utilized to amend fields)
                      - The following fields were ommited
                        - time_request <-- needs to be amended to align with haproxy module
                        - time_backend_response <-- needs to be amended to align with haproxy module
                        - http_status_code <-- Alias 


  • Visualizations - Updated and aligned with templates
  • Dashboards - Updated and aligned with updates


3 years ago

v6.0 2020/10/18 -LOGSTASH

conf files - Removed host filtering (mitigate issues with logs traversing via routers/containers)
- Added observer fields for enhanced filtering for multiple firewall setups
grok pattern - Updated to conform to Elastic Common Schema (ECS) and aligned with pfsense Raw Filter Format


templates - Added index settings and mappings
- Templates are dependent upon underlying templates
Visualizations - Updated and aligned with templates
Dashboards - Custom index pattern ID for each major template


3 years ago

Updated with latest configuration files.

  • Refined configuration files
  • Merged Suricata, Snort and Squid within 10-apps.conf
  • Added haproxy.json and pfelk.json tempaltes


3 years ago

Updated with latest configuration files.

  • Supporting Squid
  • Supporting HAProxy
  • Enhanced Unbound
  • Rebuilt Dashboards
  • Reconfigured Configuration Files For Future Enrichment
  • Versioning skipped to match pfELK and pfELK Docker


4 years ago

Working stable version of pfelk running in a docker.