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pekwm - X11 window manager


1 year ago

First release in the new 0.3.X series of pekwm releases coming with quite a bit of changes and additions.

The most notably changes in this release include:

  • Pango font support (both Cairo and Xft)
  • Automatic font type selection
  • Various updated and improvements to pekwm_panel including a systray widget
  • Xresources can be used in themes and configuration files as variables.
  • New default theme named Winter

See for more details on what has changed and look in doc/ for the most up to date documentation.


2 years ago

Second release in the new 0.2.X series of pekwm with only a small set of changes:

  • Two regression fixes (#110, #114)
  • Updates to the build system for a smoother packaging experience and cross compile experience
  • Portability improvements to pekwm_theme

See for more details on what has changed and look in doc/ for the most up to date documentation.


2 years ago

First release in the new 0.2.X series of pekwm releases coming with quite a bit of changes and additions.

autotools are no longer supported for building pekwm, CMake is now the standard way of building pekwm but if your build environment does not have pekwm installed a simple shell configure script and a set of plain makefiles are included as well.

C++11 is no longer a requirement, compilation with GCC-2.95.3 has been tested to allow for compilation on older systems.

pekwm no longer is a window manager only distribution, it now ships with the following utilities:

  • pekwm_bg, background setting utility with support for pekwm textures and possible to set from themes.
  • pekwm_ctrl, wmctrl inspired utility for sending commands to pekwm from the command line.
  • pekwm_dialog, xmessage inspired utility using pekwm themes. Currently used for restart dialog in case of a pekwm crash and by the pekwm_theme utility.
  • pekwm_panel, simple user configurable panel application.
  • pekwm_screenshot, super simple screenshot utility.
  • pekwm_theme, theme management utility downloading themes from

See for more details on what has changed and look in doc/ for the most up to date documentation.


3 years ago

Maintenance release of pekwm with a bunch of bug fixes since 0.1.17.

Notable changes include an updated default theme, CMake build system support and build fixes for more recent compilers.