Parse SDK DotNET Versions Save

Parse SDK for .NET, Xamarin, Unity.


3 years ago


This is a development release to provide the latest code to anyone interested and to determine any problems with the SDK during actual use. If you encounter any issue with the 2.x version of the SDK, please create a new issue to discuss the problem and possible solutions.


The new pre-release of the Parse SDK for .NET.

The 2.0.0-develop-1 release includes a rewrite to fully support .NET Standard on various platforms. Various changes to the underlying code have been applied and it aims to replace the old version 1.7.0 in a recent and maintainable form.

Starting with this release the SDK does no longer include modular assemblies for different platforms. Please consult the main page of the repository for usage guide and a starting point for using the SDK.


8 years ago


  • Conversion.As() API for converting between collections of various types is now public (#71)
  • Implemented new, better APIs for initialization of the SDK (#79)
    • Can now change the server URL that the SDK points to (#147)
  • Can now send delayed push notifications (thanks, @Julien-Mialon! #94)
  • Now have alpha support for tvOS on Unity platforms (#144)


  • Fixed bug with ParseObject properties such as ACL, ObjectId (#98)
  • Can now handle date formats with any number of trailing zeroes (#84)
  • ParseObject subclassing should work once again on Unity (#118, #123)
  • Releases should now be properly strongly-signed again (#129)
  • TimeZones of installations should now be properly reported regardless of device language on Unity and WinPhone (#148)


8 years ago

Dropped support for Unity 4. Read more here: Fixed: No longer will silently fail when installation info changes. #41 Fixed: Unity push notifications are now functioning again. #42 Fixed: Rare threading crash in Xamarin.iOS. #53 Improved: Removed 'mutable containers' functionality, significantly enhances performance. #66 Improved: URLs for ParseFiles now use HTTPs when applicable. #59 Improved: Can now query from ParseReleations that were created locally. #73 Improved: HttpClient will no longer fail to report certain rare exceptions. #82


8 years ago

Fixed a potential crash when saving an object in multiple collections. #31 Safer parsing of error codes returned by Unity's http client. #21 Properly report errors during user signup. #14 Fixed a potential NullReferenceException when recieving a push notification on WinRT. #30 Fixed crash related to UIKit properties on Xamarin.iOS not being accessed from the main thread. #35 Fixed crash related to UnityEngine properties not being accessed from the main thread. #15


8 years ago

Hello, open source!

  • Fixed: Error code parsing on Unity.
  • Fixed: SaveAsync throws NullPointerException while saving LocaleIdentifier.